Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day Surprises

Today was defiantly not blah.

First, the Maternal Grandmother’s sugar bottomed out in the middle of this morning’s sermon and she had to leave church early. There was a doctor sitting where Mom could have him come out and check on thins. Turns out, this thing is fairly common after major surgery; the body is readjusting and chemicals go a bit crazy for a spell. She is to see the diabetes doctor this week so the episode can go on her medical record for future notice.

While I was keeping the pew warm, the Preacher gave his official resignation to the church. No one moved. Everyone was in shock. He has an opportunity to work alongside his son in the ministry field and has been in a state of health decline for some time. The man deserves less stress in his life. We’ll miss him. I do not personally agree with all the conclusions he makes in his sermons, yet he is probably the most decent person I know and he genuinely wants to help people. This begs the question: What can I knit his family as a going-away present?

I made a new knitting friend today. She not only showed me her stash but also gave me a ball from it. How cool is that? I forget how amazing it is to knit and talk with a fellow knitter. I must call up my other knitting buddies halfway across the state.

The Twins have been sleeping in their own beds…or trying to at least. The Elder one got a Barbie and Dog (that poops) for her three nights and the Younger finally made it last night. She picked out a horse that smells good. Whatever. Everyone is happy. Except me, the whole Barbie having a Dog that poops just seems odd in a disturbing way.

Grades are in: 2 Bs and 1 A. I feel mediocre.

On the plus side of life, the melancholy is getting easier to deal with. I am hoping this is a new trend.