Thursday, December 07, 2006

Dec 7

Well, one semester down and only three to go. Now I can focus on the remaining Christmas knits, cleaning my room, tossing out all the rough drafts, and weeding out my bookcase. It really is past time that I got rid of Heidi, The Secret Garden, and others along that line. H. G. Wells may also end up at the County Library; I mean how many copies of Time Machine do I need? Stevenson and I have to talk tomorrow as well since I am rather fond of Treasure Island.

Turns out my Women N Lit prof did not realize that it was Study Day, we knew it but if your prof says show up, you show up. After turning in papers and filling out an evaluation she made up, she lectured on one of my favorite writers—Virginia Woolf. I was one of the few in class that has read the novels the prof referenced. Now I really want to reread them all. But no time for that Christmas is coming up way too fast. Anyways, after we were dismissed a buddy and I went to this Italian place just off campus to grab a bite. We are both experiencing the stress of the end of the semester and needed to vent about life. It was fun.