Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Feb 28

Yea! For the first time this year, my strep test came back negative. But now I have a sinus infection. Great. Will this ever end? At least she did not give me a shot, lots of pills but no needles.

Next week is spring break. I have a week of study planned. It is only: an eight page mid-term, two plays, research, abstract, and an uncounted number of pages to read. I am going to have so much fun. Seriously, I just hope the books I ordered come in. The knitting book is for pleasure but the other is a primary source for a major paper I need to start pulling together.

In other exciting news, the presentation went well yesterday. Always go first when playing Russian roulette and giving presentations: they amount to the same thing. A friend of mine also discovered that Medieval Lit has desensitized us to a lot of disgusting concepts. We were talking about Saint Catherine of Siena’s accomplishments, and not the whole ‘Holy Anorexic’ thing, and our Theory professor had to leave the room. I kept eating the cookies I had in my backpack. Not to be a tease, but it is rather gross so only look her up if you aren’t planning to eat for an hour. Just trying to play nice. Another classmate sided with me on having to snack while reading her.