Saturday, January 27, 2007

Jan 27

Puppy is sick (a very upset stomach). Took her to the vet this morning just before they closed, and was very glad they saw us. She has longed around the house all day and has currently desired me in favor of my Maternal Grandparents. My sweet Benedicta.

Homework is half done. Yea! Now for the other half. Monday night’s class will be dropped this week. This week being tomorrow afternoon.

The Twins went to a My Little Pony Live show; I sat that one out though Mom did say it was like a rock show for 4 and 5 year olds. Why am I so glad I missed out?

Turns out my StepMom is highly allergic to wool. Is it lamb wool, Peruvian wool, or Marino wool? Because the sipper socks I made her were in Marino wool. I turned out the same sock in acrylic yarn today, but the question remains. I’ll send her a sample to see how she reacts to it. Until then, and perhaps afterwards, it is acrylic.