Wednesday, December 26, 2007
sorry to keep you waiting...
Between the progressive gift exchanges, the normal holiday stress, post-semester let down, and a stupid chemical imbalance in my brain, I do not even feel like checking my email. I'm sure that my Pirate Library friend has sent me several, along with others. Sorry, I just do not have the mental capacity to do more than this post and a quick library update on Ravelry.
More later, including responses to all those emails waiting in my InBox.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
I think I just saw Alice
New pills are starting to work, but I still feel horrible. Luckily, Cable is keeping me sane. And I get a whole day away from the house tomorrow. Stash. What a wonderful place. My new happy place.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
insert title here
Currently, I am reading J.M.Barrie's My Lady Nicotine (published 1890, but my copy isn't that old). Nothing whatsoever to do with thesis research, but it is a delight to read. I love the persona Barrie created for this piece, so pompously Imperial yet the narrator cannot see himself as the hypocrite Barrie means for him to be. Thus, it is sooooo funny.
My friend Purl Fiddlesticks sent me a drop spindle for Christmas. Along with a book of instructions and starting materials. So we shall see how quickly I can become addicted to this new hobby. Good thing I like thick-thin wool as that is what nearly every beginner spinner creates.
Next month, I start my first KAL (Knit A-Long) it will also go hand-in-hand with the reading of Twelfth Night by Shakespeare. All knitted items will be inspired by the play. Cool, huh? In more knitting news, I am nearly done with the Younger Twin's Jacket. Still have to block the thing and maybe add some details.
Cable, despite finding some lye, is back to her normal, active self. She drank just a tad-bit Thursday while I was in Memphis. After a weekend of giving the kitten medicine, the Maternal Grandmother was glad I was home to give it for the remaining time. But I know Cable is doing great because today she has climbed the tree 5+ times, discovered a lamp-shade, and practiced jumping unto the dryer. The sweet thing.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Thursday's thing was cool. One of the perks of grad school: having drinks with profs. So out of the four of us (prof included) I was the only non-drinker, non-smoker. We went to Cafe Society off Popular and had a great time. Bad part was that now my thesis adviser knows my "voice." Meaning: no cheating (as if I have ever done that). I highly doubt there is another soul on this planet that has my subject. Jupiter might have somebody, but I don't think so.
I had a small Christmas this weekend with the Paternal Grandmother. PotC 3 and a dozen handkerchiefs. I was going to buy my own, but she would not let me. How great is it that I now have enough handkerchiefs to last two weeks without doing laundry? Now to find someone to embroider my new one.
Lastly, the StepPaternal Grandmother's "confused dog" (read: goat) passed away this afternoon. I just got in from the funeral. The Younger Twin cried but the Elder didn't understand what it all meant. The man in charge of Animal Control was already at the place (we had already had an open house which he attended) and read Psalm 23. StepDad had a hole digger and 'dirt-putter-backer.' The Mayor was there, as were several other friends and family members. All in all, I say the Twins' first funeral went pretty well.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
such a tuesday
My neurologist took me off one happy pill and put me on a new one. Migraine pills are the same as they always have been. I go back the first of February. So, we'll see.
I'll miss SnB this week at the bookstore, one of my classes is having a post-semester party. I shall also be missing the Memphis Knit Mafia (a Ravelry group) December swap. With my head, there is little chance of me coming back in time from the Paternal Grandmother's house in time. Ah well, such is life. I do hate that I miss so much knitting with the SnB group, but I do have my knitting time at Stash. Silver lining and all...
Sunday, December 09, 2007
and another week begins
Sadly the computer thought it would be funny to save my Mod Brit Novel paper (that only needed a conclusion) in computer language. Thankfully, I had not thrown out all of my notes and was able to rewrite most of it. However, I am still about two pages short. Somehow I have completely blanked out on what those two pages were about.
I am nearly done with Christmas. Only two presents left and two presents to ship. Not a shabby way to start my week's to-do list. Have to admit, I have given up trying to keep Cable out of the tree. She likes looking down on me from the top. Or maybe she thinks it is her natural role: star of our house. I think she and the Elder Twin will fight for that spot.
In my knitting news, I can now knit 'backwards.' Hard to explain to non-knitters, but the knitters among us understand what I mean. The process is still a bit awkward. I'm talking mediative state of mind to do it. But I can. Now to move beyond the knit/purl stuff. I am free to never turn a work again. Yea. Life, liberty, and yarn for all.
Friday, December 07, 2007
I almost forgot
It broke her heart. Mom went to have lunch with the Twins and the conversation went something along these lines:
Mom- So girls, how is your day going?
Younger Twin- :breaks into tears: I'm having a bad day. I'm sick. Can I go home now?
Turns out, the kid was running a temperature and got to go home. She got in trouble for talking when she wasn't suppose to. Then she had to pull a French fry because she contested it. My words, not hers. It did not help matters that her BFF said they weren't friends anymore.
Oh the drama of Kindergarten.
Well, it's happened
First attempt, the pictures were blurry except this one. Due largely to the fact that my camera would like to die. Thankfully, she repeated herself. Look at her, she knows she has overcome the last great mystery of the world.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
lagan things
My new favorite song is "My Lagan Love" sung by The Corrs. Anuna's version is a bit slower and more haunting, which is pretty but I need something a little more upbeat. Hence, The Corrs. I swear, my inter child is dancing.
Well, the last day of classes was yesterday. :insert happy dance: Today was a study day, so when the Middle school called desperate, I skipped studying. 6th grade. Not. Fun. At. All. Funny thing, everyone seemed to confuse me with my Full-Blooded Sister. It took them a moment to see the differences. This is funny in that it rarely happens.
After I clock-ed out at school, I filled the tank up and went across the River (ha, more lagan) to my other job. I so needed the laughter. I have also promised myself no new yarn until I finish a big project. And I did not buy new yarn tonight. New needles, yes. But I was so expecting to buy yarn despite myself. The problem wasn't the want of yarn, but want of project.
I sub again tomorrow afternoon. But for now, I'm off to Ravelry for a moment. Update the projects and all. Therefore, I leave you with:
There blows a lily fair
When twilight gleam is in her eyes
The night is on her hair
And like a love - sick lenanshee
She hath my heart in thrall
No life have I, no liberty
With love is lord of all
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
another update
Despite the drama, I did finish the paper that was due today. And in time for a buddy in the department to look it over with me. Next week's papers are nearly written. I was elected the leader of a debate before I even knew I was nominated. No big, I have been arguing Johnson's side since we started reading his stuff.
I think I'll take the night off.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Happier Note

And to answer a question from one of my Knitting Buddy MW, yes we do have decorations on the Christmas tree. This has yet to stop our little live-wire Cable. We went to the vet yesterday to get our first round of shots and she is completely healthy.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
why bother with a title?
I woke up last week and realized I had no clue about my Mod Brit Novel paper, let alone the presentation that went with it. Somehow I did pull it all together and did not embarrass myself. (Granted, this is minus the whole episode where I dropped the double-pointed needle while the girl before me was presenting. Thankfully, I was able to discreetly locate it and pick it back up.) I did not knit while I was at the panel, but obviously I was using a needle to keep my hands from shaking. Yeah, I was that nervous.
My rough draft for Kid Lit was completely torn to shreds by my prof. That's cool, I am only 3 pages short of the final paper length and nothing done to it since I got the blasted thing back.
That leaves me with the Skeptical Tradition. It's final 10 page paper is due Tuesday. Where am I with it? Let's just say there are lots of notes but nothing on the computer screen yet. It will get done. I plan to have a rough draft before Saturday night.
Oh wait. There are 2 weddings this weekend. I am in none of them, and will only attend one. This does throw a knick in the breaker box though.
Is it any wonder that I've begun to spend 90+ minutes after every school day knitting at Stash? On top of the school stress, there is the holidays. I really get low around them. Low as in the desire to just keep popping happy pills like they're candy. I think I need to knit some more.
Monday, November 26, 2007
I could be on Ravelry
Cable has yet to knock the tree down, but she is winning over the Older Cat that we have. They may now touch, sleep, clean, and play long as no bitting is involved.
Puppy hates the cold weather--less walks.
My Thesis Adviser helped me get a better idea of my thesis, just by listening to my rants. And I have another book to by, but it's only a few bucks. So no big. My Regular Adviser wants me to do a closer reading of the Thrum novels, focusing on classes. Then I go back to him and he'll talk theory with me. Fun. (please note the sarcasm)
I present a paper to my Modern British Novel class on Wednesday.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
the great christmas tree adventure

She told me hello and posed for the camera.

Then she started to climb some more.

She was pretty high up and stopped for a quick nap.

Then she remembered a camera was around and started to climb some more.

Until she could not climb any more and I had to get her down. She has since learned this trick for herself.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
the turkey needs an aspirin
Yep, you guessed it. I had one hell of a migraine this week. Monday to be precise, there I was watching little children read (yep, I was subbing too) and my head starts to throb. By the time I got home, it was a level three (cold dark room, no electricity, fetal position, crying).
I tried my best to go to class the next day, but had to come home before 9:00. In fact, the engine was still warm when I got to the car. Good for me, the Maternal Grandfather drove me to Memphis SnB that night.
Which is where my friend the LeftOutKnitter told me to just post my scarf pattern. That since I was not inspired by any particular pattern or had seen it and figured it out; then the pattern was mine to post. So after this, I'll put it up on Ravelry.
I still do not feel like me (maybe I should have let the Family take me to the hospital). However, I had a lovely day shopping with Mom in the morning and working at Stash in the afternoon. That's right, I now work for store credit at a yarn shop. Mom and the Maternal Grandparents will have to pay for me to quit.
Anyways, here is my completed scarf and pattern for it, just in case you knit.

Pattern for Quick-y Cable Scarf:
width: approx 4.5 inches
length: approx 60 inches
gauge: none, it is a scarf
needles: US size 9/ 5.5 mm
yarn: provided without information. 2 skeins of a teal, bulky wool yarn was used. I am guessing about 22o yards total, but it is hard to guess.
Row 1: (P2, K2)x2, (P2, K4)x2, (P2, K2)x2, P2
Row 2: (K2, P2)x2, (K2, P4)x2, (K2, P2)x2, K2
Row 3: repeat Row 1
Row 4: repeat Row 2
Row 5: (P2, K2)x2, P2, C4F, P2, C4B, (P2, K2)x2, P2
Row 6: repeat Row 2
Row 7: repeat Row 1
Row 8: repeat Row 2
Sunday, November 18, 2007
i'm not quite dead sir...
Classes were alright, I have to show up with a rough draft in Kid Lit on Tuesday. I present next Wed for Mod Brit Novel. And have three papers due the week after that. I feel like quiting knitting to take up chain-smoking; I would hate for my wool to smell like smoke. Even though I said I would never knit for money, both my camera and iShuffle are wearing out on me. The camera can wait, I can fed it batteries when I need to. Charge will not help the fact that only one side of my (new) earphones has sound. Hence, I did not turn down a commission when the owner of Stash asked me if I was interested. One of the two scarves is nearly finished and the other should not take long at all.
In Twin News:
It was the Elder Twin's week to be star student, an honor that comes with being line leader of the week. Her poster was completely parent-free and her life story was typed by an outside contractor, on of Matriarch SLW was on a computer at the time and dictated. The paragraph contains sentences like: "I hope everyone and God have a great day." "I always love anybody." and my favorite, "[The Maternal Grandmother] says I'm going to grow up to be a Warrior Queen." Friday, as Mom was driving the Twins home, the Younger Twin called her daddy: "It's a sad day. Sissy is no longer the line leader." Tough break. Anyways, next week it is the Younger Twin's turn.
Which reminds me, I need to get stuff together to do next Friday. I have been asked to come as the Younger Twin's special person and talk to the class. (The Elder Twin had her Paternal [my Step-] Grandmother and our Maternal Grandfather come.) Since the Younger wants me to talk about knitting, I'm thinking I need to bring a drop spindle. So what if I don't know how to spin? It would be so cool.
In Pet News:
Cable has taken to eating Puppy's food. Puppy has taken to eating Cable's food. No wonder they're having digestive problems. Cable can safely climb most places in the house and the Older Cat is tolerating the new family member much better.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Spring Registration
The latest KnitPick catalog came in yesterday. Me happy camper now. Just wait until I get my check next week. I know, I don't need more yarn. But I do. Hard to explain.
I have read all the material for Mod Brit Novel and 17th Century Skeptics. Another happy moment.
Cable can once again climb up to her perch by herself. Puppy was very happy. Kitten on perch means she is not bitting tails. Or in my case, ankles. Speaking of Puppy, she seems rather down lately. I am hoping it is just the weather change, since it affects nearly everyone here.
Monday, November 12, 2007
I actually have uploaded pictures of the Younger Twin's jacket, however, I have to ask ya'll to take this jump. Why? Because the little bit-bit figured out this site was under Favorites on Mom's computer. I do not want to endure yet another round of: "Is it finished yet? Why? When is going to be finished? When will you knit me one?" There is only so much pressure I can take. There are more images on my Ravelry account, but I know that not everyone is on there yet.
My Kid Lit second paper is at 8 pages and growing fast. I also finished reading all the materials in 17th century lit. Now for the papers...
Sunday, November 11, 2007
my life as of this moment
I study. Here is my bookcase. The middle shelf is nothing but JMBarrie material. If this keeps up, I'm going to start claiming to have the largest private collection of Barrie in the Mid-South.
Friday, November 09, 2007
normal chaos
I have pictures but no wire to put said pictures on the computer. Which really irritates me, having three projects on Ravelry that have no images. Ugh! But on the bright side, the book Dad ordered for me came in today (I need it for my thesis and was asking for it as a Christmas gift).
McClintock, Anne. Imperial Leather: Race, Gender, and Sexuality in the Colonial Contest. New York: Routledge, 1995.
Knowing how I've been pacing around the mailbox looking for books to come in, the Maternal Grandfather brought the package to me at the school I was subbing at. Needless to say, I was very happy. However, the cover was not appropriate for fourth graders and I had to make a quick book cover from the ads that came in the package. The entire thing was rather humorous.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Cable's 1st day of kindergarten
While my cat was off being the star of the day, I was at the Dixon here in Memphis. The Babar exhibit was bad. I had expected scenes of Babar from the books. What they had was bad rip-offs of good art where Elephants stood in for the real figures and were in pastel or bright colors no matter what the artist's pallet was. For example, Rembrandt's picture lacked the light/dark contrast and shadows; Titian's image looked nothing like the original glowing figures. I was the only one who appeared outraged about this heresy. No one was interested in my mock-lectures about the real art.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
I had every intention
Company has left again, and the house is just for family. The shame of it all is that when I sleep on the sofa, Puppy and Cable sleep together at my feet.
My Annotated Bibliography for Kid's Lit is done, though I might add a few more sources tomorrow. We are going on a class field trip on Tuesday and it is not to the library. I know, this is heresy among some of us but there is an exhibit at the Dixon about Babar. So, we go.
I need to read. A lot. And I need to get started on the homework my Thesis Adviser gave me. (He thinks I can start writing in December.) This thing is starting to get scary.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
All Hallows' Day
On Monday, Mom and I took Cable to the Vet for a follow up. She is back up to a pound, yea! And I subbed all day for a Pre-1st class (it's pretty much for the kids who need a little boost before going on to 1st grade but not a kindergarten part II.)
Tuesday, I began paperwork for next semester. Fun. I was a little down, so I popped over to Stash to perk up. I bought the Cable a puppy collar and cat bell at the PetCo, since all the cat collars were way too big. She also learned, sometime around 3 a.m., that if she bit my nose enough I will get up to feed her.
All Hallows' Eve, I spent some more time on paperwork, this time with my Thesis Adviser. He recommended some books to me. I still felt blue but as a whole life was fine. Then my tempter light comes on the car. Since the Maternal Grandfather and I added water that morning (the light had been flickering the day before), I took the car in to be looked at. The Elder Twin had a good phonics tutoring, don't ask about doing homework with her at night, bad thing indeed. Cable let me sleep all night, the extra dry food appeasing her at supper.
And that brings me up to today, All Hallows' Day. My end of the paperwork is done. The car will be ready this afternoon. And for the first time in about 5 1/2 years, someone else drove me to school, no other than the Maternal Grandfather. He will pick me up on the porch at 3, I am not to go to daycare.
Tomorrow, I sub the special needs class.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
the crazy people are gone
Not enough room in the car for me on Saturday to go to the service. Again, a Good Thing and not just because Cable had to go to the Vet. I did not escape that night. Instead I entertained said family to give my Maternal Grandmother a break. This was a Good Thing for her and a Not-Good Thing for me.
And today, I left early to spend the day with my StepMaternal Grandparents. While I was on that side of the river, I picked up more kitten milk stuff. Thus again escaping family. A Good Thing (make that a double Good Thing, I forgot my happy pill this morning). When I came home, they were gone. I nearly threw a party.
All the same, the past few hours have been rather low. Though there was a nice peak when Puppy and Cable were playing.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
The kitten Cable got sick last night so Mom, Twins, and I trotted off to a Vet in Memphis. She has some parasites that don't show up at once, which explains how she went from 13 oz (a pound and a half) to 3/4 of a pound so quickly. Looks like I'm up every 3 hours tonight. Puppy is worried, the dog keeps checking on the long as no one is eating at the table.
I did manage to read 40 pages of Barrie's The Little Minister yesterday morning. That novel is getting really interesting and I keep having to put it aside for class readings. However, I did some heavy-duty reorganizing of my library and was able to clear off a whole shelf where all my Barrie/thesis materials can stay. Now to find it all. All my Norton Anthologies are stacked beside the actual bookshelf. To no surprise, they are half as tall as the actual bookcase.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
today was a good day.
I spoke with both my TR professors about my upcoming papers. Kid Lit said I could rewrite and submit my short paper to a conference for extra credit. Cool. It would be cooler if there was one closer than New Mexico. Oh well, never hurts to submit, right?
Mod Brit Novel is talking about Mrs. Dalloway tomorrow. Love the novel, long live Virgina Wolfe, if only through her texts. "your gift survived it all...yourself." Yes that was Auden talking about Yeats, but it applies so lets go with it.
Knitting wise, I need to start doing larger projects--or take up spinning. I need something more and some sweaters/shrugs should fill that gap. I hope so, I really do not have the room for a wheel and fleece. Not yet. Time to go pet the stash before I give in.
Monday, October 22, 2007
another day of pictures
First, a FO (finished object, for the non-knitters). The black cable on the brim is hard to make out, but nonetheless is there. It is for my English buddy JMM.
Now, here are pictures of little Cable. You can see which eye is still having problems. The Vet is still very hopeful of a full recovery. The basket is a gift from Mom's little Pom-Pom who loved it until the Twins started giving him rides down the hall with it. Thus far, he has not missed it.
And lastly, pictures of Puppy who no longer resembles a mountain beast. She was not really in a picture-taking mood, but finally relented...under protest. I'll give her this, she does look adorable.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
just another sunday here
Of course, this morning was a morning in of itself. I almost forgot to feed Puppy and take my meds (naturally, they took longer to work today) . There was about 10 minutes where I could not find my mobile phone, yes, it was in my coat pocket the entire time. And I left the house without giving Cable the Cat her meds. Oh, and I did not take my double-pointed needles to Church thereby causing me to get rather creative with my 16" circular needles when I came to the decrease portion of a hat.
But I did read the majority of a novel this afternoon. That counts for something right?
Warning: Remaining Post Revolves Around Knitting
Somehow I've become addicted to knitting podcasts; but only if there are at least two people speaking. The monologue seems to lag a bit more. Lime and Violet rock, just to confirm a truth in the world of knitting.
I only have one thing OTN, which is not like me (normally 3 WIP going on). Then I realize that I am debating patterns for some birthday yarn. I actually bought a book by a designer/company. Classic Elite Yarns' book Luxe is divine and there are so many patterns I could choose from. All the same, I need to CO something else. A pair of mittens would be nice.
But as I was knitting tonight at Church, I realized how much I love the moss stitch. I know, Americans generally call it seed stitch but I first came across it in a British book where it was called moss. And really, the name moss gives a better impression about the texture it creates with no major effort. Which is why I love it so much, and all my scarves generally use this particular stitch. In any case, while some of the men were talking about the youth retreat this weekend, I sorta wondered off mentally. I just closed my eyes and focused on the knits and purls; getting to that spiritual place meditation takes people. Suddenly the sense of panic that I had (mainly from sitting in the back of the car between the Twins) disappeared. It was really, really nice. And needed more than I thought I needed it.
Guess that's all.
Friday, October 19, 2007
soooo tired
While we're on the subject of school, the Younger Twin is starting to read. The Elder is working on wanting to learn; her basic attitude being 'why read when you can talk?'
I subbed a Special Ed classroom all day today. That just wipes me out, every time.
In other news, Puppy's kitten's name is Cable. We still do not know gender, but it is one live wire. And it passes many fleas to Puppy, who is at the moment being groomed. Fun.
What else is going on? Oh yes, birthday presents are starting to arrive. Thus far the DC family has sent:
Wullschlagner, Jackie. Inventing Wonderland. Free P, 2001. (now I must give my English Buddy KMB her copy back)
Markale, Jean. The Celts. Inter Traditions, 1993.
O'Donoghue, Heather. From Asgard to Valhalla. I. B. Tauris, 2007.
Cool, huh? I know JMBarrie is my favorite author right now, but I still love to study the Celts. Really glad to know they remembered that.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Puppy is a mommy!
I took it to Mom's this morning, since it had a bit more life in it, to have some caned cat food. After watching it devouring the broth, Mom told me to take it to the Vet's rather than the Shelter. Everyone up there loved this kitten (after the flea bath). We don't know it's age or rather it will be blind. Truth be told, we are not even sure of the gender. However (be prepared to be shocked) here are some pics I took tonight (there will never be before shots, they just break my heart):

You can see that Puppy is quite devoted. Originally, it's name was 'Walker' (I know, so creative but what'd you expect, my dog's name is Puppy?). Mom vetoed that one, citing the name sounded like a Chuck Norris character. She suggested 'Shadow' but after a bath the Vet confirmed the kitten is a Siamese (that should tell you how dirty this thing was). I want something knitty but 5 year olds do need to pronounce it.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
naps are good
We're eating dinner with the Maternal Grandparents watching football and I surf Ravelry. I have some yarn I have no idea what to do with, and now I have some ideas. Maybe.
Yesterday's Fall thing was in Crawfordsville and it attracted quite a crowd. Loud gospel music could have been left out, but that is a small farm town around here. In the afternoon, the StepPaternal Grandmother and I saw Elizabeth. Pretty cool movie, the costumes and cinematography were outstanding. Not a bad day.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
KnitNight was a blast, 7 people showed up at Stash and afterwards, some of us went to Celtic Crossing. We froze outside so our knitting would not smell like smoke (we may have a problem).
All of my papers are turned in! That means they are officially done, and all I have over the break is Joyce. How I will be glad when that novel has been read.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Good News...
Now to finish Joyce's text during Fall Break next week. I hate that we only have two days now and three days next month. Does the university not realize the profs have not one but two chances to overwhelm us? Spring is somewhat better, after we have a week off (this is of course following a week of due dates) we come back for another week of projects due. Hummmm. It doth appear that higher education is designed to put everyone on happy pills and give bouts of intense drinking. Maybe that's what I'm doing wrong, I should be drinking more. If only my migraine pills wouldn't protest the alcohol so much.
In knitting news, I have finished some projects like green wristlets for a grad friend and another scarf. Now, I'm off to see what I've missed on Ravelry.
Friday, October 05, 2007
finally, the week is [almost] over
Afterwards, I sold tickets at the Pink Place Arts and Crafts Fair. Mom and I went this morning and I sold tickets again in the afternoon. I throughly enjoyed myself. And have satisfied the growing curiosity on how spinning wheels and looms work. I'm still a bit fuzzy on spinning wheels. And yes, I did buy some yarn (hand dyed and spun) but I also purchased soap, candles, and a barrette. The juniper soy candle smells wonderful.
Now of course I need to read more Ulysses and The Little Minister, write two 7 page papers, two 2 page response papers, and a thesis proposal with working bibliography. Glad I took my weekend today.
Monday, October 01, 2007
just pictures

Saturday, September 29, 2007
Dense Reading
Ravelry is a wonderful distraction. I saw one of my own projects when I was trying to find a new pattern to use some bulky wool with. Then there is the IK Icarus shawl that I have been dieing to cast on. But all the lace weight I have is in this red-ish brown and I simply do not know how that will look. Ok, so I've seen this shawl knit up in variegated yarn and in bright colors. But red-ish brown? No such luck. I did cast on a Calorimetry (Knitty Winter 2006) at Stash's Knit Night and it is so boring. Even just to mindless knit. The Maternal Grandmother has been hinting at needing one, she is getting socks for Christmas. They are already done. Yet, I find myself knitting this thing.
To be honest, this week has been rather low. I did not read for a class at all, nor did I even bring the right book on Thursday. Just the paper due Wed and an abstract for Thurs. If I had not read so much Donne three years ago and finished Ford's The Good Solider last month, I would have not been prepared at all. And I find myself not knitting when there is a perfectly good time to. And no, that time has not been spent even thinking about knitting.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
thank god!
In other news, the girls wore non-dress up dresses for their pictures. The Elder Twin did have on a lot of make-up and wanted to put more on for the picture. The teacher told her no. I don't blame her, The Elder Twin can put on pounds of lip-gloss and still want more.
Today is my really long day, though I am hoping to call it quits early. Mom has bronchitis and with her immune system still weak, this is not a good thing at all. And it turns out I do not have a copy of Joyce's Ulysses. I have the companion guide. I knew it was too easy to read. Now I have to go buy a real Ulysses and read it before Wednesdays. This is on top of my two presentations next week. How do I manage to do this to myself?
The big fall festival at the Methodist Church is this weekend. I wonder if I can skip this year.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
I'm falling behind
The Maternal Grandfather is doing fine, the VA put him on a blood thinner and sent him home that night before 2200. He walked in the door fussing about how he was rejected by the VA. He thinks he is funny.
Yesterday there was a dog convention at Mom's house. I took Puppy over to play with Mom's Pompom dog when the Matriarch Ms SW brought over their new hot-dog 3 month-old dog. Puppy was definitely the oldest and largest dog. So much so that when she joined in the fun, the youngest dog back down quite a bit.
The first real paper of the semester is due tomorrow, and I am close to seven drafts into the blasted thing. There is one more person going to look at it for me in the morning.
Tomorrow is also picture day for The Twins' Kindergarten class. They were going to dress like Disney Princesses, but the teacher was warned about the campaign and diverted their efforts. They are now going to wear "Pretty Church Dresses."
I did get my computer in, but no pictures to post yet. However, if the battery will hold out just a bit longer, there should be some on Ravelry.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
My Unplugged Weekend
Can this get any more fun? Oh wait. My Maternal Grandparents are on their way to the VA hospital because my Maternal Grandfather's arm got numb during church.
At least the Paternal Grandmother is doing well. She's lost some weight but is working on gaining it back. We had a really nice weekend together.
Back to the paper mill.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
wow, a new knitting buddy
And best of all, I finished the first paper for the semester this morning. I have been trying to do that all week it seems. Now to pass it along to my friends in the English departme
Monday, September 17, 2007
What a Monday
First, my computer is being shipped off--again. And just as I got my invite to Raverly (a knit/crochet community). This is just irritating.
Second, for about 30 seconds I had no clue where the Younger Twin was. I went to pick her up since Mom took the Elder Twin to the doctor (sinus infection), but the kid was not in the after-school daycare program. I called Mom and confirmed that Younger Twin should be there. On the way to hunt down one of the teachers on the car-pick up line, I step into the kindergarten classroom. There she was, having speech therapy. Called Mom to update her on the Twin hunt, turns out we were suppose to have cancelled that speech therapist. Not my fault, but still a nice little scare.
But the biggest heartache today was sub-ing in the total care multi-handicap room. I should have rolled over and gone back to sleep. As it was, I am now emotionally drained for a few days. My StepDad was right, I should have told them I would not stand in today.
And no, I have not gotten past page 1 in Joyce's Ulysses.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
wow, a new post
Knit Night at Stash was fun, I rewarded myself for the work done on my thesis thus far by buying Folk Style from Interweave Knits. This created the idea of a deadline and rewards system; which I really need to plot out. And soon.
Friday was interesting, mainly because I took one of my happy pills instead of my migraine medicine the night before. I was tired, to put it very mildly. An hour later, when I became unsure of which pill I took; I opted not to take anything else and get back on schedule Friday night. The pill mix up resulted in the inability to sort books by a 'W' author, a horrible migraine and all that comes with it, and a really great disposition when I stopped by the Twins' Kindergarten class. Their afternoon sub, Mom, and I helped 12 kindergarteners to make cookies in the shape of the letter 'C'. I got there before Mom and entertained everyone until she came. I am now the proud big sister of a kindergarten class.
My life is now complete.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
ok, now for the long version
The library I'm volunteering at is rearranging just about everything. But we have made our way in the fiction/Accelerated Reading books to the letter F. We were going to work our way back from Z but somehow in the middle of the S's The Librarian Matriarch decided to change methods. This also happened to be the day they went over the dress code in chapel. And I was wearing a tank top. Oops!
Two of my JMBarrie biographies came in. Which was really good timing, as I need a working bib by Fall Break next month.
And we had dinner at the local hamburger/milkshake place for the StepPaternal Grandmother's birthday. It was suppose to be a simple affair. Then The Elder Twin took over. There were balloons, center-pieces, a gift (from The Younger Twin), and candles on a cake the restaurant provided.
Last night, we (the Marion family minus the StepPaternal Grandmother) ate dinner with The Twin's BFF's family. It is really good to see that dad around, we kinda like him being state-side. They are looking to buy a 4 bedroom house closer to town.
Wow, this really is the long version. And I did not even get a chance to talk about what happened at Stash.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Sunday, September 09, 2007
fever readings
As for me, if I read two chapters tonight, an hour before I go to campus tomorrow, and two hours after I get home; I just might be caught up for all my readings--for Tuesday.
Somehow, I have not been able to read much this weekend. Of course all those mini-jobs I get at the last minute might have something to do with that. The Elder Twin also spent the afternoon with the Maternal Grandparents and I so the Younger and Mom could get some rest. She is staying over tonight as well.
And oh! The StepDad, with no hinting or being told about it, went out today and bought the new Disney Princess DVD.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Is this week over yet?
Yesterday I helped the Matriarch Librarian finish taking all the AR books off the shelves. Monday, we get to shelve them in a new order. Yea team (yes, that was sarcasm just like this is.) I spent the afternoon aiding the 'total care' special education room. That was just emotionally draining. More so than I expected. Mom, StepDad, the Twins, and I went out to eat at our favorite Mexican restaurant but we had a really bad waiter. The whole dinner lasted over an hour. No drinks, no cheese dip, cold food, no sign of him. Nothing happened if the owner did not come by and check on our table. We were there so long, that Karaoke Night got started and all the high school students were starting to show up and dance. The Twins and other kids their age were starting to get pushed off the dance floor. I had to leave, the noise and lights were giving me a migraine. Needless to say, it will be awhile before we go back.
I have had an after-migraine all day, meaning I've been sluggish among other things. The local Quota Club that the Maternal Grandmother had their annual yard-sale this morning. I picked up 10 vintage issues of a magazine called The Workbasket. It has some knitting in it, but other stuff as well. At 10 cents an issue, I call that a bargain. I also missed Princesses on Ice, though the Twins loved it and want to see it again, like right now. Originally I was going, but I opted to go to see the Paternal Grandmother. By the time that plan fell through, someone else was going. It would have been too much for me today anyways.
It's raining, for the 3rd or 4th time this week. Though this is the first semi-storm of the group. We need it bad. Glad I did most of the weeding for the StepPaternal Grandmother today instead of waiting.
Well, this was suppose to be a quick update. Maybe next time.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Wonderful Wed
Yesterday was fun, but not nearly as fun as it could have been. The Quad was an adventure as always. We all had ice cream after Mom and I picked them up. I stuck around to help referee. But when they sat down to dinner, I left.
Knitting is going faster than my reading of J. Conrad's Chance. But as I have no pictures, I will refrain from speaking on it. Having no computer is starting to irrate.
Monday, September 03, 2007
Saturday there was a memorial service for a friend of Mom and the Maternal Grandmother. I watched the Twins, naturally enough. The service was said to be moving and there were more people than what was expected. She was a nice lady who died of cancer, of the lymph nodes (I think). Mom thought the services would only last 20 minutes, but it lasted 90.
Nothing major happened at the house during that time, other than my loss of sanity. A kid from across the street came over and played. After she left, The Twins put on swimsuits and swam in a big basin in the side yard. Once inside, I turned on some cartoon show and held them. Obviously, little knitting was completed and no class reading whatsoever.
Yesterday, I spent the afternoon preparing some general information on J M Barrie for Wednesday’s presentation. It was so hard to find consistent dates on things. Once source said Better Dead was his first professional play in 1888, another claimed there were a handful of plays prior to this date and play. All this shifting took a while. But it is done. Now to outline some discussion questions, and read for my other classes; then homework for the week will be done. Oh, and last night, I finished weaving in all the ends to the Elder Twin’s skirt. It is now officially done. I’ll give it to her now before she out grows it.
We are on our way out the door to help the StepPaternal Grandmother sort and put up books. I might slip away to Stash (after all, there is sale) and a pet store to get a goldfish to replace the one we had to flush on Saturday. However, there is a large amount of homework to do; most of it preparation for future classes.
Tomorrow, I shall have to book it back home after classes. The Twins BFFs are spending the afternoon and night. The BFFs’ dad is coming home from Iraq for a month, and Mom is watching the girls to give the dad a night to decompress before heading this way. Mom is also having her eyes dilated and with her fake lens, it takes awhile for her to see straight. Which is why it looks like I will be watching The Quad tomorrow.
Friday, August 31, 2007
yea, it is friday
I spent the day at a local private high school library. The librarian there is one of the Matriarchs. She is more than happy to let me volunteer there a few hours a week. We are rearranging the Accelerated Reader (commonly called AR) books and later next month, we will add the non-AR books later. I plugged into my iPod and sorted books while listening to Aunua and Bach.
SnB at Stash last night was fun, as always. I had to leave early since I felt like I was going to fall asleep knitting. Then again, perhaps I should have stayed. If it was discovered I could actually knit in my sleep, we might have struck gold. Nothing on the needles right now is worth taking a picture of. Maybe later. Or not. I am waiting rather impatiently for Interweave Knit's book, Cables and Aran Stitches to come out.
And I'll be spending the weekend in the books. That JMB presentation on Wed needs to be brought up to scratch.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Highs and Lows
On to brighter things. Such as the fact that my Modern Brit Novel prof really is going to rock. Next week, I get to present Sir Barrie's text to the class. How cool is that? Well, not very actually. Most of my classmates think he is 'weird' and has 'creepy relationships.' Obviously, they have not read most of his works. If they had, they would not say such horrible things. Barrie is fanciful, yes. But 'strange' and 'creepy'? No.
I am having the worst time trying to cast on socks today. After a dozen attempts, I opted to knit a random amount of stitches in garter stitch. Lucky for me, the yarn is Lion Brand's Cotton Ease and I only need another 1.5 inches to make a washcloth. Pretty dull decorative wise, but still very much usable.
Oh, I nearly forgot. The Elder Twin's apple pies/tarts were a big hit yesterday. Her JRA is looking pretty good as well. She does have a sinus ifection but nothing to be concerned over.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
I Love the 1st day of Classes
Over all, I think I am going to like having classes Tuesday through Thursday and getting home before five on most days.
The Younger Twin now has a small 1-gallon fish tank in her room. She was deistated when her 'obtomistic Johna fish' from Sunday School died. She was very attached to this fish, carring it around for a day, talking to it all the time. Now she has two of them in her own room.
The Twins had to take something that started with the letter 'A' today. The Elder took apple pies/tarts for everyone (made in large part by the Maternal Grandmother). And the Younger? She took a plush alligator.
Monday, August 27, 2007
yet another day...
Saturday was jam-packed, even though I had no plans whatsoever. I was volunteered to be the bouncer on one of those Bounce 'Rounds at the church building. The Mothers-of-Children-Under-the-Age-of-Seven had a party that was not well thought out. Did they really expect a lot of children to automatically form a line and wait their turn? There were close to 10 children in that thing when I walked over there; as well as anytime I walked away to get a coke. Not fun at all.
Sunday, there was a preacher-tryout. He seemed decent enough. Sermon was not all that bad.
Today, the I-40 bridge was down. Something about a support column, but I haven't heard two stories alike enough to say what was going on. I ran over to campus to speak to the new prof who was very cool. Nearly all of my books have been bought, which is extremely nice as classes start tommorrow. My TA buddies are very nervous and not completely sure what to do just yet. No surprise there, as they started teaching today and their first class where they learn how to teach starts tommorrow afternoon.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Tuesday morning, when Mom woke the Elder Twin up they had a short conversation along these lines:
Mom: It's time to get up.
Elder: What day is it?
Mom: Tuesday.
Elder: I don't think I go to school on Tuesdays.
Mom: Yes, you do go to kindergarten on Tuesdays.
Elder: We should make it a law. No school on Tuesday.
Mom: That's a good plan, and a lot of people would like that plan. But you have to graduate from kindergarten before getting Congress to pass that law.
Elder: Ok.
And now for the pictures...
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Another Hot Day
The Elder Twin's skirt has been blocked, therefore I may seem at the SnB tonight. I am really hoping the knitting matriarch will be able to come today. She needs an hour and a half holiday.
As for WIPs, well there is just the scarf in my purse. Saturday I am casting on some sale yarn to make the City Shrug in the Fall 2006 Knitscene. It will probably look horrible on me, but I want to make it.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Getting Ahead and Behind
I have somehow managed to get behind in my knitting projects. Somehow this is related to getting my yarn ball winder back. I had hopes that I would be finished with The Elder Twin's skirt, but there are at least another five inches left to knit, then the seeming and blocking. Or maybe I should block and then seem. Either way, I need to outline the pictures in black embroidery thread. I did pick up a project that actually fits in my purse, a scarf that will be a Christmas present. Cream cashmere/merino wool in moss stitch.
Let's see, I went with Mom to the allergy doctor today. She is officially allergic to life. The only test she has to fail now is the thyroid test. But the doctor's new office is in a quaint little shopping area and I found a stationary shop. Now I can return to my letter writing, owing to the fact I now have sealing wax. I hate not being able to seal letters.
The Elder Twin is at the eye-doctors getting her biannual eye examine. (To make sure her JRA has not spread to her eyes.) Then both Twins are headed here to Mom's house for me to babysit until the StepDad comes home. Mom is showing tonight and has three closings in the upcoming week. Cool for her.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Big Stressful Days
Since I have changed lanes, I had to drop the class on how to teach writing (took that as an undergrad anyways). This means another class had to be added. A whole new class with a whole new book-list to read and a large dent in my credit card. May the books please be in on time. At least I know the prof comes with high recommendations. Stars, I just realized I need to drop my fluff class.
I spent most of Thursday, seeing my Sister and Step-Siblings off. After that, I watched The Twins until Mom got home. SnB felt like a much needed holiday, even if I spent most of my time knitting one swatch.
This morning, I helped Mom get The Twins to their first day of kindergarten. The Elder gives education a week, then she plans to talk about other options. I do not want to be present when she finds out education takes a bit longer than a single week. Mom and I also took Puppy to the Vet's to brush her teeth and remove a growth. That was far more upsetting/nerve-racking than kindergarten. However, the Vet says she can go home in a few hours and everything was just fine.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Quick Update
The good news is, that I did find my phone after being without it for 36+ hours. Let's not actually go into how long I could not find it. It was bad.
Sister seems to be enjoying her trip. At least The Twins and other Family Members are enjoying her being here.
She, the Maternal Grandmother, and myself saw the movie Stardust this afternoon. This was the second time I saw it and would very much like to see it again. The first time, I had to quit knitting as I was dropping too many stitchs. This time, I only dropped one...and added about ten. Oh well. It was a good movie.
I have roughly 200 pages left of The Good Soilder and 100 of The Little White Bird. Not bad at all.
Friday, August 10, 2007
My Maternal Grandfather took me to SnB last night, since my car was still in the shop and has to go back there on Monday. I use to drag him to LYS-s with me, where he read the articles in knitting magazines. To think, I usually just look at the pictures. If this keeps up, I shall be forced to make him an honorary knitter. Or just teach him how to knit. That way, the jargon will not be so strange to him.
Ok, so I also have the next text for my Mod Brit Novel class that came in today on my brain. I ordered these books on Tuesday and already two of the five have come in. I am not reading near fast enough on them. Today's novel is The Good Soldier, A Story of Passion by Ford. Never heard of it. However, I have read three chapters of Barrie's The Little White Bird. Simply delightful.
I wonder if iTunes has Anuna for sale. Just heard a song by them and it was incredible.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Finishing Stuff
I finished (finally) Swift’s novel. See, it even got taken of my list on the right. And the texts for my British Novel class have started to arrive. Too bad the first one in is Joyce’s Ulysses. Why do I feel like starting Virginia Woolf’s Ms. Dalloway? Better yet, I could also start Barrie’s novel. Oh the temptation.
The Maternal Grandfather is probably going to take me to SnB, since my car is still in repair. I really want to finish the sweater by then but that is unlikely to happen. Maybe they have some tips for me.
In other news, the Twins are spending tonight with us instead of their regular Friday night adventure. This is so that we can pick-up Sister at the airport. Warning, sis; they might be camping out on your bed when you get to Mom’s. They are so excited about you coming.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Oh look, another early post
Why is the Swift novel taking so long to finish? I know that I am taking the time to actually make notes, but I feel as though pages are being added without my notice. The fact that I have both a Virginia Woof novel and
I wish yesterday could be blotted out from the calendar. Mom had one of her migraines yesterday, and while I have more of them than she does; mine at least allow me to keep going—somewhat. Hers, by contrast, give the impression of a stroke and she pretty much has to sleep them off, no meds. Since I lack wheels at the moment and was already over there, I took care of the Twins while she took care of her migraine. The Twins did not seem to care either way. After Mom woke up, we went to the local hamburger and milkshake place. It was Bike Night and we know some people that show up. With all this, and The Twins being tired and clingy, the day just refused to end.
The stash has experienced an explosion. I do remember buying each and every new skien of yarn, so there is none of that 'yarn-amnesia' sort of thing. You know, when you find yourself in the car with either no memory of being in a yarn shop or no memory of purchasing the yarn. Yet there it is, all nice and neat in a bag with a credit card receipt in the passenger seat. Therefore I should not be surprised to discover that the trunk is getting full again, despite the 4 travel and 2 medium size Space Bags used to sort the stash. Speaking of sorting the stash, I really need to take pictures of it. The truly sad part is that with the exception of Stash (the new yarn store in town) and that huge break-down at Michael's when I just had to start a big project, I have not bought more than $15 at each yarn shopping spree. Is that even considered a spree? No matter what, it does appear as though there has been quite a large growth spurt inside the trunk.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Wow a short post
Stars what a migraine, it has stuck around since last night. The flashy lights on the pinball game did not help it. Guess from here on out, I should stick to the computer version.
I was able to knit up a cable bracelet going to and from the party.
Monday, August 06, 2007
Why are all my recent posts so long?
In any case, I finished Part II and started Part III of Swift’s novel. I must say that his poetry is much better, despite his harsh criticism of the human race.
I have managed to finish 10 of the 27 cm needed for Younger Twin’s sleeves. I am determined to finish them by Friday night. Really before Thursday’s SnB. BTW, it is really hard to keep track of my knitting while reading Barrie. Any other text or author I can manage both.
My car won’t go backwards. The mechanic is set to take out the trans-thingy in the morning; probably when The Twins, Mom, this week’s Sitter, and I are arriving at Chuck E. Cheese. The Younger BFF of The Twins is having her b-day party there.
The regular Sitter is having an operation this week and will not be back for six. The woman who was suppose to watch them (she is like a sister and was married in late December, we carpooled last semester before the world fell apart) for this length of time cancelled last night. I did not catch all the details, and really do not care to. I am just glad that the regular Sitter’s granddaughter could step in this week as the Elder Twin has decided that I exists to annoy and do her bidding. Little sisters.
Friday, August 03, 2007
warning: long post
The job interview went well, I suppose. I am working for the StepPaternal Grandmother this afternoon, though.
I have finally gotten to the body of the mommy giraffe and the baby’s neck. Younger Twin loves it. I personally cannot wait to be finished. I think I’ll knit both sleeves at the same time. SnB was great; we ended up at a newly-reopened yarn store called Stash. It has a killer sale and they let us stick around and knit on whatever until the store closed at 8. The cool part was knitters from the regular knit-night they have there came as well, so there was a whole new group of people to knit with. One knitter that did not stay got a little overwhelmed when we started talking about the different sock techniques we use.
But not to exclude the Elder Twin, here’s a story that took place while I was SnB-ing last night. Mom and the Elder Twin were at home by themselves, the Younger was at the Maternal Grandparent’s. Mom was feeling pretty good and was trying to get some work done when the Elder comes in and says, “I need to catch the bus for school.”
Mom: School hasn’t started yet, the busses aren’t running.
Elder: Well, I better call them.
She goes to the phone and starts dialing.
Mom takes away the phone: The busses aren’t running yet.
Elder: Well I’ll just walk to school.
She gets her backpack on and goes out the door, heading down the road. Mom has to run out the door and drag Elder back. They go to the Maternal Grandparents, Mom with an armload of papers to work on and the Elder Twin upset that she missed the bus.
Well, I am off to get my computer and run some errands.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
The Younger Twin’s sweater is coming along quickly. Taking the advice of the SnB, I am putting spots on the giraffe. I think it looks hideous and want to frog it; however, the Younger Twin thinks it is so cute and the non-knitters think it looks fine. Hence the decision to wait and see how it turns out: I can always frog later. I really wish I had a working camera and laptop to show it off. But I should be getting the laptop back before the weekend. Another nice thing to have was a pattern for a little girl’s skirt that does not involve working in the round.
Oh good, the black pom-pom has returned. And in less than an hour--what a record.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
i <3 Sir Barrie
My knitting is going much quicker. The intarsia image of the giraffes is making the front of the Younger Twin's sweater just soar. If only I did not have to refer to the chart as often. However, with a 50 stitches and 70 rows image; not looking at the chart just creates problems.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
The Quad
They stripped down to their panties in the back yard and ran through the sprinklers. Followed by a quick dry off and change of clothes in order to play in the dirt pile in the front yard. StepDad came home early and the two of us sat outside and watched The Quad get flithy. Two of the girls had sand just caked in their hair; thank the stars I thought to put everyone in the Twin's clothing rather than what they came in. When Mom pulled up, we went inside and had assembly-line showers. She washed, I dried and threw them on the big bed to watch Cars. Everyone got to wear an over-sized shirt, and while Mom cleaned up the bathtub (I'm talking serious sand and mud all over the place) I herded them to the kicten. 3 pentnut-butter and 1 ketup sandwiches later, I got to go home. Even the BFFs kissed me good-night, which just makes ya feel like they care.
I finally finished Barrie's Window in Thrums yesterday and it was wonderful. But I really need to get started on Swift's work. The back of the Younger Twin's sweater is done. I am using a British pattern book, which means small needles and short-row shaping of the sleeves. It is a bit odd, but I like using new methods.
Thursday is a big day, as I have an interview on campus for a job. Crossing my fingers on that one.