Puppy and I read over a hundred pages of Mrs. Dalloway this afternoon. The shade was up, so we laid in the sunshine. I rubbed her belly and she sprawled out.
Of course, this morning was a morning in of itself. I almost forgot to feed Puppy and take my meds (naturally, they took longer to work today) . There was about 10 minutes where I could not find my mobile phone, yes, it was in my coat pocket the entire time. And I left the house without giving Cable the Cat her meds. Oh, and I did not take my double-pointed needles to Church thereby causing me to get rather creative with my 16" circular needles when I came to the decrease portion of a hat.
But I did read the majority of a novel this afternoon. That counts for something right?
Warning: Remaining Post Revolves Around Knitting
Somehow I've become addicted to knitting podcasts; but only if there are at least two people speaking. The monologue seems to lag a bit more. Lime and Violet rock, just to confirm a truth in the world of knitting.
I only have one thing OTN, which is not like me (normally 3 WIP going on). Then I realize that I am debating patterns for some birthday yarn. I actually bought a book by a designer/company. Classic Elite Yarns' book Luxe is divine and there are so many patterns I could choose from. All the same, I need to CO something else. A pair of mittens would be nice.
But as I was knitting tonight at Church, I realized how much I love the moss stitch. I know, Americans generally call it seed stitch but I first came across it in a British book where it was called moss. And really, the name moss gives a better impression about the texture it creates with no major effort. Which is why I love it so much, and all my scarves generally use this particular stitch. In any case, while some of the men were talking about the youth retreat this weekend, I sorta wondered off mentally. I just closed my eyes and focused on the knits and purls; getting to that spiritual place meditation takes people. Suddenly the sense of panic that I had (mainly from sitting in the back of the car between the Twins) disappeared. It was really, really nice. And needed more than I thought I needed it.
Guess that's all.