I took it to Mom's this morning, since it had a bit more life in it, to have some caned cat food. After watching it devouring the broth, Mom told me to take it to the Vet's rather than the Shelter. Everyone up there loved this kitten (after the flea bath). We don't know it's age or rather it will be blind. Truth be told, we are not even sure of the gender. However (be prepared to be shocked) here are some pics I took tonight (there will never be before shots, they just break my heart):

You can see that Puppy is quite devoted. Originally, it's name was 'Walker' (I know, so creative but what'd you expect, my dog's name is Puppy?). Mom vetoed that one, citing the name sounded like a Chuck Norris character. She suggested 'Shadow' but after a bath the Vet confirmed the kitten is a Siamese (that should tell you how dirty this thing was). I want something knitty but 5 year olds do need to pronounce it.