The Younger Twin will no longer be having speech five days a week. She does not like the lady that comes to see her at school, so we are just going to send her to the public school twice a week for speech.
I spent the day at a local private high school library. The librarian there is one of the Matriarchs. She is more than happy to let me volunteer there a few hours a week. We are rearranging the Accelerated Reader (commonly called AR) books and later next month, we will add the non-AR books later. I plugged into my iPod and sorted books while listening to Aunua and Bach.
SnB at Stash last night was fun, as always. I had to leave early since I felt like I was going to fall asleep knitting. Then again, perhaps I should have stayed. If it was discovered I could actually knit in my sleep, we might have struck gold. Nothing on the needles right now is worth taking a picture of. Maybe later. Or not. I am waiting rather impatiently for Interweave Knit's book, Cables and Aran Stitches to come out.
And I'll be spending the weekend in the books. That JMB presentation on Wed needs to be brought up to scratch.