Friday afternoon, some family came down for a memorial service that took place yesterday. Oh, I had tickets to a play. No time for family. This was a Good Thing.
Not enough room in the car for me on Saturday to go to the service. Again, a Good Thing and not just because Cable had to go to the Vet. I did not escape that night. Instead I entertained said family to give my Maternal Grandmother a break. This was a Good Thing for her and a Not-Good Thing for me.
And today, I left early to spend the day with my StepMaternal Grandparents. While I was on that side of the river, I picked up more kitten milk stuff. Thus again escaping family. A Good Thing (make that a double Good Thing, I forgot my happy pill this morning). When I came home, they were gone. I nearly threw a party.
All the same, the past few hours have been rather low. Though there was a nice peak when Puppy and Cable were playing.