A Midsummer Night's Dream was absolutely amazing last night. Naturally, there were some liberties taken. I am very sad to say the actor playing Puck had no clue about the character, the kid was waaaaay too innocent for that part. Then again, I have high standers for that part. Other than that, I enjoyed the liberties. My Eng Buddy KMB was expecting more high Shakespeare but enjoyed it and was glad to go with me.
The kitten Cable got sick last night so Mom, Twins, and I trotted off to a Vet in Memphis. She has some parasites that don't show up at once, which explains how she went from 13 oz (a pound and a half) to 3/4 of a pound so quickly. Looks like I'm up every 3 hours tonight. Puppy is worried, the dog keeps checking on the kitten...so long as no one is eating at the table.
I did manage to read 40 pages of Barrie's The Little Minister yesterday morning. That novel is getting really interesting and I keep having to put it aside for class readings. However, I did some heavy-duty reorganizing of my library and was able to clear off a whole shelf where all my Barrie/thesis materials can stay. Now to find it all. All my Norton Anthologies are stacked beside the actual bookshelf. To no surprise, they are half as tall as the actual bookcase.