Friday afternoon, some family came down for a memorial service that took place yesterday. Oh, I had tickets to a play. No time for family. This was a Good Thing.
Not enough room in the car for me on Saturday to go to the service. Again, a Good Thing and not just because Cable had to go to the Vet. I did not escape that night. Instead I entertained said family to give my Maternal Grandmother a break. This was a Good Thing for her and a Not-Good Thing for me.
And today, I left early to spend the day with my StepMaternal Grandparents. While I was on that side of the river, I picked up more kitten milk stuff. Thus again escaping family. A Good Thing (make that a double Good Thing, I forgot my happy pill this morning). When I came home, they were gone. I nearly threw a party.
All the same, the past few hours have been rather low. Though there was a nice peak when Puppy and Cable were playing.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
A Midsummer Night's Dream was absolutely amazing last night. Naturally, there were some liberties taken. I am very sad to say the actor playing Puck had no clue about the character, the kid was waaaaay too innocent for that part. Then again, I have high standers for that part. Other than that, I enjoyed the liberties. My Eng Buddy KMB was expecting more high Shakespeare but enjoyed it and was glad to go with me.
The kitten Cable got sick last night so Mom, Twins, and I trotted off to a Vet in Memphis. She has some parasites that don't show up at once, which explains how she went from 13 oz (a pound and a half) to 3/4 of a pound so quickly. Looks like I'm up every 3 hours tonight. Puppy is worried, the dog keeps checking on the long as no one is eating at the table.
I did manage to read 40 pages of Barrie's The Little Minister yesterday morning. That novel is getting really interesting and I keep having to put it aside for class readings. However, I did some heavy-duty reorganizing of my library and was able to clear off a whole shelf where all my Barrie/thesis materials can stay. Now to find it all. All my Norton Anthologies are stacked beside the actual bookshelf. To no surprise, they are half as tall as the actual bookcase.
The kitten Cable got sick last night so Mom, Twins, and I trotted off to a Vet in Memphis. She has some parasites that don't show up at once, which explains how she went from 13 oz (a pound and a half) to 3/4 of a pound so quickly. Looks like I'm up every 3 hours tonight. Puppy is worried, the dog keeps checking on the long as no one is eating at the table.
I did manage to read 40 pages of Barrie's The Little Minister yesterday morning. That novel is getting really interesting and I keep having to put it aside for class readings. However, I did some heavy-duty reorganizing of my library and was able to clear off a whole shelf where all my Barrie/thesis materials can stay. Now to find it all. All my Norton Anthologies are stacked beside the actual bookshelf. To no surprise, they are half as tall as the actual bookcase.
7:16 PM
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
today was a good day.
Right now, I have a little Cable asleep on my leg. It's quite adorable, minus the fact I need to wake her up soon so I can get a shower in. What was it the tee-shirt said, "Cats were once worshiped as gods and they have never forgotten it." How true.
I spoke with both my TR professors about my upcoming papers. Kid Lit said I could rewrite and submit my short paper to a conference for extra credit. Cool. It would be cooler if there was one closer than New Mexico. Oh well, never hurts to submit, right?
Mod Brit Novel is talking about Mrs. Dalloway tomorrow. Love the novel, long live Virgina Wolfe, if only through her texts. "your gift survived it all...yourself." Yes that was Auden talking about Yeats, but it applies so lets go with it.
Knitting wise, I need to start doing larger projects--or take up spinning. I need something more and some sweaters/shrugs should fill that gap. I hope so, I really do not have the room for a wheel and fleece. Not yet. Time to go pet the stash before I give in.
I spoke with both my TR professors about my upcoming papers. Kid Lit said I could rewrite and submit my short paper to a conference for extra credit. Cool. It would be cooler if there was one closer than New Mexico. Oh well, never hurts to submit, right?
Mod Brit Novel is talking about Mrs. Dalloway tomorrow. Love the novel, long live Virgina Wolfe, if only through her texts. "your gift survived it all...yourself." Yes that was Auden talking about Yeats, but it applies so lets go with it.
Knitting wise, I need to start doing larger projects--or take up spinning. I need something more and some sweaters/shrugs should fill that gap. I hope so, I really do not have the room for a wheel and fleece. Not yet. Time to go pet the stash before I give in.
6:22 PM
Monday, October 22, 2007
another day of pictures
I am really not in a posting mood. Therefore my people, I give you pictures (in color).
First, a FO (finished object, for the non-knitters). The black cable on the brim is hard to make out, but nonetheless is there. It is for my English buddy JMM.
Now, here are pictures of little Cable. You can see which eye is still having problems. The Vet is still very hopeful of a full recovery. The basket is a gift from Mom's little Pom-Pom who loved it until the Twins started giving him rides down the hall with it. Thus far, he has not missed it.
And lastly, pictures of Puppy who no longer resembles a mountain beast. She was not really in a picture-taking mood, but finally relented...under protest. I'll give her this, she does look adorable.
First, a FO (finished object, for the non-knitters). The black cable on the brim is hard to make out, but nonetheless is there. It is for my English buddy JMM.
Now, here are pictures of little Cable. You can see which eye is still having problems. The Vet is still very hopeful of a full recovery. The basket is a gift from Mom's little Pom-Pom who loved it until the Twins started giving him rides down the hall with it. Thus far, he has not missed it.
And lastly, pictures of Puppy who no longer resembles a mountain beast. She was not really in a picture-taking mood, but finally relented...under protest. I'll give her this, she does look adorable.
7:05 PM
Sunday, October 21, 2007
just another sunday here
Puppy and I read over a hundred pages of Mrs. Dalloway this afternoon. The shade was up, so we laid in the sunshine. I rubbed her belly and she sprawled out.
Of course, this morning was a morning in of itself. I almost forgot to feed Puppy and take my meds (naturally, they took longer to work today) . There was about 10 minutes where I could not find my mobile phone, yes, it was in my coat pocket the entire time. And I left the house without giving Cable the Cat her meds. Oh, and I did not take my double-pointed needles to Church thereby causing me to get rather creative with my 16" circular needles when I came to the decrease portion of a hat.
But I did read the majority of a novel this afternoon. That counts for something right?
Warning: Remaining Post Revolves Around Knitting
Somehow I've become addicted to knitting podcasts; but only if there are at least two people speaking. The monologue seems to lag a bit more. Lime and Violet rock, just to confirm a truth in the world of knitting.
I only have one thing OTN, which is not like me (normally 3 WIP going on). Then I realize that I am debating patterns for some birthday yarn. I actually bought a book by a designer/company. Classic Elite Yarns' book Luxe is divine and there are so many patterns I could choose from. All the same, I need to CO something else. A pair of mittens would be nice.
But as I was knitting tonight at Church, I realized how much I love the moss stitch. I know, Americans generally call it seed stitch but I first came across it in a British book where it was called moss. And really, the name moss gives a better impression about the texture it creates with no major effort. Which is why I love it so much, and all my scarves generally use this particular stitch. In any case, while some of the men were talking about the youth retreat this weekend, I sorta wondered off mentally. I just closed my eyes and focused on the knits and purls; getting to that spiritual place meditation takes people. Suddenly the sense of panic that I had (mainly from sitting in the back of the car between the Twins) disappeared. It was really, really nice. And needed more than I thought I needed it.
Guess that's all.
Of course, this morning was a morning in of itself. I almost forgot to feed Puppy and take my meds (naturally, they took longer to work today) . There was about 10 minutes where I could not find my mobile phone, yes, it was in my coat pocket the entire time. And I left the house without giving Cable the Cat her meds. Oh, and I did not take my double-pointed needles to Church thereby causing me to get rather creative with my 16" circular needles when I came to the decrease portion of a hat.
But I did read the majority of a novel this afternoon. That counts for something right?
Warning: Remaining Post Revolves Around Knitting
Somehow I've become addicted to knitting podcasts; but only if there are at least two people speaking. The monologue seems to lag a bit more. Lime and Violet rock, just to confirm a truth in the world of knitting.
I only have one thing OTN, which is not like me (normally 3 WIP going on). Then I realize that I am debating patterns for some birthday yarn. I actually bought a book by a designer/company. Classic Elite Yarns' book Luxe is divine and there are so many patterns I could choose from. All the same, I need to CO something else. A pair of mittens would be nice.
But as I was knitting tonight at Church, I realized how much I love the moss stitch. I know, Americans generally call it seed stitch but I first came across it in a British book where it was called moss. And really, the name moss gives a better impression about the texture it creates with no major effort. Which is why I love it so much, and all my scarves generally use this particular stitch. In any case, while some of the men were talking about the youth retreat this weekend, I sorta wondered off mentally. I just closed my eyes and focused on the knits and purls; getting to that spiritual place meditation takes people. Suddenly the sense of panic that I had (mainly from sitting in the back of the car between the Twins) disappeared. It was really, really nice. And needed more than I thought I needed it.
Guess that's all.
7:11 PM
Friday, October 19, 2007
soooo tired
The Modern Brit Novel class finally finished Joyce's Ulysses. Did I read all of the novel? No, but I did read the Companion piece and have every intention of reading it after I finish my thesis. My 17th century paper made an A. Kid Lit paper a B+ and potential (I like potential. I really do.) I talk with that prof on Tuesday morning to see where else I could take the topic.
While we're on the subject of school, the Younger Twin is starting to read. The Elder is working on wanting to learn; her basic attitude being 'why read when you can talk?'
I subbed a Special Ed classroom all day today. That just wipes me out, every time.
In other news, Puppy's kitten's name is Cable. We still do not know gender, but it is one live wire. And it passes many fleas to Puppy, who is at the moment being groomed. Fun.
What else is going on? Oh yes, birthday presents are starting to arrive. Thus far the DC family has sent:
Wullschlagner, Jackie. Inventing Wonderland. Free P, 2001. (now I must give my English Buddy KMB her copy back)
Markale, Jean. The Celts. Inter Traditions, 1993.
O'Donoghue, Heather. From Asgard to Valhalla. I. B. Tauris, 2007.
Cool, huh? I know JMBarrie is my favorite author right now, but I still love to study the Celts. Really glad to know they remembered that.
While we're on the subject of school, the Younger Twin is starting to read. The Elder is working on wanting to learn; her basic attitude being 'why read when you can talk?'
I subbed a Special Ed classroom all day today. That just wipes me out, every time.
In other news, Puppy's kitten's name is Cable. We still do not know gender, but it is one live wire. And it passes many fleas to Puppy, who is at the moment being groomed. Fun.
What else is going on? Oh yes, birthday presents are starting to arrive. Thus far the DC family has sent:
Wullschlagner, Jackie. Inventing Wonderland. Free P, 2001. (now I must give my English Buddy KMB her copy back)
Markale, Jean. The Celts. Inter Traditions, 1993.
O'Donoghue, Heather. From Asgard to Valhalla. I. B. Tauris, 2007.
Cool, huh? I know JMBarrie is my favorite author right now, but I still love to study the Celts. Really glad to know they remembered that.
1:38 PM
Monday, October 15, 2007
Puppy is a mommy!
Ok, so my neutered aged dog did not give birth this weekend. However, Sunday when we were at our last walk of the night (even though I never say it is, somehow she knows it is the last walk of the day and must smell every blade of grass and pebble) she got real tense on the lease. I saw this little kitten walk up and not do the flight-or-fight stance cats get when seeing a dog of any size. Puppy would not move. So I sigh and bend down to see what the deal was. It was this manged infant cat: eyes crusted over, dandruff, fleas crawling all over it bold as brass, wheezing, and malnourished. What did we do? Picked it up and finished our walk with it. I had every intension of taking it to the Animal Shelter this morning, truly I did. Neither of the Maternal Grandparents or myself thought this kitten would live through the night and we furiously washed our hands several times after contact.
I took it to Mom's this morning, since it had a bit more life in it, to have some caned cat food. After watching it devouring the broth, Mom told me to take it to the Vet's rather than the Shelter. Everyone up there loved this kitten (after the flea bath). We don't know it's age or rather it will be blind. Truth be told, we are not even sure of the gender. However (be prepared to be shocked) here are some pics I took tonight (there will never be before shots, they just break my heart):
You can see that Puppy is quite devoted. Originally, it's name was 'Walker' (I know, so creative but what'd you expect, my dog's name is Puppy?). Mom vetoed that one, citing the name sounded like a Chuck Norris character. She suggested 'Shadow' but after a bath the Vet confirmed the kitten is a Siamese (that should tell you how dirty this thing was). I want something knitty but 5 year olds do need to pronounce it.
I took it to Mom's this morning, since it had a bit more life in it, to have some caned cat food. After watching it devouring the broth, Mom told me to take it to the Vet's rather than the Shelter. Everyone up there loved this kitten (after the flea bath). We don't know it's age or rather it will be blind. Truth be told, we are not even sure of the gender. However (be prepared to be shocked) here are some pics I took tonight (there will never be before shots, they just break my heart):

You can see that Puppy is quite devoted. Originally, it's name was 'Walker' (I know, so creative but what'd you expect, my dog's name is Puppy?). Mom vetoed that one, citing the name sounded like a Chuck Norris character. She suggested 'Shadow' but after a bath the Vet confirmed the kitten is a Siamese (that should tell you how dirty this thing was). I want something knitty but 5 year olds do need to pronounce it.
7:13 PM
Sunday, October 14, 2007
naps are good
Now if only they occurred daily. After reading three episodes of the Joyce companion, I had to rest my brain. But progress has been made, this is a Good Thing.
We're eating dinner with the Maternal Grandparents watching football and I surf Ravelry. I have some yarn I have no idea what to do with, and now I have some ideas. Maybe.
Yesterday's Fall thing was in Crawfordsville and it attracted quite a crowd. Loud gospel music could have been left out, but that is a small farm town around here. In the afternoon, the StepPaternal Grandmother and I saw Elizabeth. Pretty cool movie, the costumes and cinematography were outstanding. Not a bad day.
We're eating dinner with the Maternal Grandparents watching football and I surf Ravelry. I have some yarn I have no idea what to do with, and now I have some ideas. Maybe.
Yesterday's Fall thing was in Crawfordsville and it attracted quite a crowd. Loud gospel music could have been left out, but that is a small farm town around here. In the afternoon, the StepPaternal Grandmother and I saw Elizabeth. Pretty cool movie, the costumes and cinematography were outstanding. Not a bad day.
3:12 PM
Saturday, October 13, 2007
I'm on my way out the door for a Fall Festival somewhere (not sure where, but we're going).
KnitNight was a blast, 7 people showed up at Stash and afterwards, some of us went to Celtic Crossing. We froze outside so our knitting would not smell like smoke (we may have a problem).
All of my papers are turned in! That means they are officially done, and all I have over the break is Joyce. How I will be glad when that novel has been read.
KnitNight was a blast, 7 people showed up at Stash and afterwards, some of us went to Celtic Crossing. We froze outside so our knitting would not smell like smoke (we may have a problem).
All of my papers are turned in! That means they are officially done, and all I have over the break is Joyce. How I will be glad when that novel has been read.
8:00 AM
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Good News...
I'm still among the living. The past two weeks have been murder, but all presentations and papers are finished. Over. Done with.
Now to finish Joyce's text during Fall Break next week. I hate that we only have two days now and three days next month. Does the university not realize the profs have not one but two chances to overwhelm us? Spring is somewhat better, after we have a week off (this is of course following a week of due dates) we come back for another week of projects due. Hummmm. It doth appear that higher education is designed to put everyone on happy pills and give bouts of intense drinking. Maybe that's what I'm doing wrong, I should be drinking more. If only my migraine pills wouldn't protest the alcohol so much.
In knitting news, I have finished some projects like green wristlets for a grad friend and another scarf. Now, I'm off to see what I've missed on Ravelry.
Now to finish Joyce's text during Fall Break next week. I hate that we only have two days now and three days next month. Does the university not realize the profs have not one but two chances to overwhelm us? Spring is somewhat better, after we have a week off (this is of course following a week of due dates) we come back for another week of projects due. Hummmm. It doth appear that higher education is designed to put everyone on happy pills and give bouts of intense drinking. Maybe that's what I'm doing wrong, I should be drinking more. If only my migraine pills wouldn't protest the alcohol so much.
In knitting news, I have finished some projects like green wristlets for a grad friend and another scarf. Now, I'm off to see what I've missed on Ravelry.
5:36 AM
Friday, October 05, 2007
finally, the week is [almost] over
I ended up presenting twice yesterday since the class I was suppose to present to on Tuesday was canceled. 17th century presentation was on John Donne's contrasting views on women and virginity. History of Kid's Lit was on the commodity of Peter Pan, apparently I was very enthusiastic and imaginative. That's not a bad thing is it?
Afterwards, I sold tickets at the Pink Place Arts and Crafts Fair. Mom and I went this morning and I sold tickets again in the afternoon. I throughly enjoyed myself. And have satisfied the growing curiosity on how spinning wheels and looms work. I'm still a bit fuzzy on spinning wheels. And yes, I did buy some yarn (hand dyed and spun) but I also purchased soap, candles, and a barrette. The juniper soy candle smells wonderful.
Now of course I need to read more Ulysses and The Little Minister, write two 7 page papers, two 2 page response papers, and a thesis proposal with working bibliography. Glad I took my weekend today.
Afterwards, I sold tickets at the Pink Place Arts and Crafts Fair. Mom and I went this morning and I sold tickets again in the afternoon. I throughly enjoyed myself. And have satisfied the growing curiosity on how spinning wheels and looms work. I'm still a bit fuzzy on spinning wheels. And yes, I did buy some yarn (hand dyed and spun) but I also purchased soap, candles, and a barrette. The juniper soy candle smells wonderful.
Now of course I need to read more Ulysses and The Little Minister, write two 7 page papers, two 2 page response papers, and a thesis proposal with working bibliography. Glad I took my weekend today.
7:44 PM
Monday, October 01, 2007
just pictures
Since I have one killer migraine and a full day tomorrow (complete with a presentation), this will be quick. Quicker because I am just posting pics of some WIPs. By all accounts this is a weak spot in my knitting and/or life.

7:01 PM
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