Monday, July 31, 2006

Monday Looks Good for a Change

So, add another $4,000 in Student Loans to my bill. I hate that it is needed but I am very glad it is not higher. Still, it makes me rethink the $15 dollars I was going to spend on yarn or a new DVD.

On a more positive note: my grandparents and I managed to finish painting, cleaning, and rearranging my room in a single day. (Ok, so there is a stack of paper I need to go through but that is all that is left.) We’ve talked about doing it for about a year now and it is nice to move onto something else.

Having Friday afternoon off did wonders for my spirit, even if I did have to go to the evil Wal-Mart for some paintbrushes. And, one of the boys’ hats should be finished tonight. I’ll see about getting a picture up.

And most excitingly, we get high-speed Internet tomorrow! Also, my step-dad’s mom told me about a prayer shawl ministry at her church. A new knitting circle who wants me to call them today. Life is good for the moment.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

quick note

So, the university thing went extremely well. It looks like I’m approved for enough loans to cover this semester and I’ll apply this week for a GA in the Spring and next year. The paperwork to get in seems a whole lot smaller after talking with the right people.

The boys’ hats are off to a nice start; too bad I have to rip back a row. But it has to be done or everything else is thrown off. I have high hopes that I will be finished by next weekend. Which means this time next week I'll have to buckle down and get it done.

Papers are in to be labeled, which will take me about 2 hours to do by myself. It could be worse, I’ll be able to duck out early.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Paper Day

It is Paper Day (the day we literally put the paper together and send it to the printers), the worst day of the week. It is also the only day of the week where I’m tempted to pickup smoking. Or drinking if the whiskey wouldn’t interfere with my proofing or meds.
Once again, it is lunchtime and the editor has not written her stories and the Yard of the Week pictures are not in grayscale. Ahhhh! This makes the 3rd Wednesday of this chaos and will probably be another 12-hour day without a lunch break.
I’m plugged into my Shuffle, which helps the day go by just a little easier. Wait, how did Matchbox 20, Reba, Helmut Lotti, Mozart, 3 Doors Down, and some classic pop covers all end up on the same playlist? Oh yeah, Autofill. I have no idea why I continue to just let the computer pick what I listen to. At least, today won’t be boring music wise.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Simple Things

I have a new chair! My previous desk chair prevented me from crossing my legs under the desk while the salesperson’s desk chair prevented her from using the desk drawers. So, we switched. Thus giving her hours of entertainment twirling in her new chair. It’s sad how such a small thing made my day look vastly brighter.

Last night, I made a list of things I need to take care of Friday when I go to campus. I believe in organization, if only because it is more efficient. Hopefully, I will be able to get a reading list for Comps. After all, it is only two years away and I would like to get started on it.

I finally started the hats for the boys. If it looks as good as I think it will I may apply the idea for my stepbrother’s Christmas. Except, I’ll probably use a space theme instead of a train one. We’ll see.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Stupid Headache

I have a migraine hangover from yesterday. A level 3 (curled up in the fetal position with absolutely no electronic device on) came out of nowhere and completely knocked me on my feet. Even after I took an emergency migraine pill my neurologist prescribed, I could not move. Don’t get me wrong, I am extremely glad I have the pills and can function today; but I hate that a stupid headache can do that to me.

Of course, nothing got knitted this weekend. However, I was able to semi-plan the hats for the twin’s friends (oddly enough, twin boys only a few months younger than the girls). All I need is some graph paper to make sure the colors will look right. After the hats, it is back to Christmas knits.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Random First Thoughts

I am no longer the only person under 30 at the paper who does not have some sort of blog. Now, I have an excuse to run to the computer the moment I walk through the doors. Of course, this also means I’ll have to update this thing constantly. Ah well.

Last night, I went to the ballgame where I finished my step-mom’s Christmas present. A frilly wrap only took 7 hours (at the most). I know it’s early to start my Christmas knitting; but when one has 6 siblings, 4 parents, and 6 grandparents one has to start a little early. This list does not include all the friends and extended family members. Mom says I am much loved. My fingers say we need to start checking invitations at the door.

There is a list as long as my leg of all the things I need to do before grad school starts next month. Things like get a Student ID, parking sticker, talk to Financial Aid, and pick up a list a books I’ll need this fall. Good thing I’m looking forward towards this or it would be the death of me.

Helmut Lotti is singing ‘Vetscherni Zvon’ in my head; which is not always a bad thing. He has a beautiful voice, well worth the 1200+ miles I had to travel for the concert. Good thing Dad lives relatively close to one of Lotti’s concert stops. 2 birds, 1 stone and all that. It would have been 3 birds if I could have remembered to measure the step-siblings for their Christmas presents.

My bossy half-sister wants me to pick up some Chinese for her and her twin’s lunch. I probably will, however a ‘please’ would work wonders for my motivation.