which is about 90% of all my knitting. Selfish Knitting can be defined as (but not limited to) knitting what I want, when I want, why I want to. (All these "wants" feels very toddler-ish, maybe small children are on to something here.) And the Selfish Knitters group on Ravelry further notes that knitting for those engaged in the creation or preservation of life are hereby exempt from Selfish Knitting scorn.
so why bring this up now? Because on of the many online knitting magazines has an article defending Selfish Knitting as the holiday season approaches. I firmly believe that all knitters everywhere might need a quick reminder about Selfish Knitting as we frantically throw ourselves into holiday knitting.
for those engaged in Crunch Time at your respected university, remember to take time for yourself. Even if you do not knit...yes, Miss Pirate Librarian I mean you...take time to be excellent to yourself. It may be the end of the year (soon) but that is no reason to go completely insane. Let someone else use the straight jacket this year. It is very rude to use it for more than one year in a row.
and now that I have finished my lecture (what, you weren't taking notes?), I must be off. I still have an hour of knitting before lunch and homework.