you see, I've developed what we knitters like to call startitis. I have cast on more projects in October than I have finished. Normally, I have this amazing Works In Progress to Finished Object ratio. No more than 3 projects On The Needles at a time. Granted, this number does not include all the quick knits like scarves and dishcloths. (Think of it like sock yarn. Yes I have it. No, it is not counted as stash yarn. One of the great knitting mysteries that philosophers, scientist, and mathematicians still don't quite understand.)
so imagine my surprise when I discovered all my canvous WIP bags were full and there was no bag to put a new project in. I had to take inventory. Here is what we found:
Something Witty should be done by now. But I'm doing steeks and did not Bind Off for sleeves. Do I frog or what? The question makes me go work on something else for a spell.
one Elizabeth Zimmerman's Baby Surprise Jacket
I am not one to follow trends or Cast On something just because it stays in Ravelry's Top 10 most popular patterns. So how is it that I started this?
Funny you should ask. On of my schoolmates (who could become mute and I would rejoice) had a newborne right before the semester started. She asked me to make said baby girl something warm since it will be cold soon. There I was, cursing a garter-stitch dishcloth and dreaming of what next to CO. Next thing I know, I'm counting stitches for the blasted thing.
Since then, I've come to my senses. This schoolmate does not pay attention in class, which explains why she is always asking the rest of us questions the prof just answered. Plus, she likes other people to do the work and correct hers.
Now I'm in no hurry to finish this. In fact, I think it will wait until spring when the Matriarchs back home have lots of baby showers to buy. They could remberse the yarn and add my name to the gift. Hey, I'm not charging them labor. That is my contribution.
I have finially finished the first glove and had a group on Ravlery tell me to CO the second glove. But the progress is slow since I complicated the pattern by making the cables a different color. It can only be worked on at home with as little distractions as possible. I just want enough of the light brown to make the bobbles at the end.
Normally, this wouldn't even count as a project. However, I am making an exception for two reasons.
1) stash buster project
2) it is taking longer to knit than it should
I already have a hat in the blue yarn. So I thought, hey! wristwarmers would be cool to pair with the hat. And since I like to knit in LYS using yarn I bought from them, this seemed like a good project. The blue is from Stash back in Memphis. The brown is from Knitting Nest about 30 minutes from the university. I don't feel bad about knitting this at the Knitting Nest because some of the yarn is from them.
I am not one to follow trends or Cast On something just because it stays in Ravelry's Top 10 most popular patterns. So how is it that I started this?
Funny you should ask. On of my schoolmates (who could become mute and I would rejoice) had a newborne right before the semester started. She asked me to make said baby girl something warm since it will be cold soon. There I was, cursing a garter-stitch dishcloth and dreaming of what next to CO. Next thing I know, I'm counting stitches for the blasted thing.
Since then, I've come to my senses. This schoolmate does not pay attention in class, which explains why she is always asking the rest of us questions the prof just answered. Plus, she likes other people to do the work and correct hers.
Now I'm in no hurry to finish this. In fact, I think it will wait until spring when the Matriarchs back home have lots of baby showers to buy. They could remberse the yarn and add my name to the gift. Hey, I'm not charging them labor. That is my contribution.
1) stash buster project
2) it is taking longer to knit than it should
And for the most recent WIP. Yesterday the Knitting Fates let me walk out of the apartment without a project or yarn. I discovered that when I pulled into the Knitting Nest parking lot for a quick, 1 hour vacation from life. Then I discovered I had no plastic card on me, only a $20 bill and some lose change. This is just not right people. Just not right.
The yarn and needles were less than $15. But I had no pattern on me. Luckily I remembered a mitten pattern of roughly the same yarn weight and needle size.
The yarn and needles were less than $15. But I had no pattern on me. Luckily I remembered a mitten pattern of roughly the same yarn weight and needle size.