last night, but now they are on again. A storm (not even a very big or violent one) knocked out the power last night. But only this building. Everyone around us had lights. Yet another example of how odd this place is. Definitely not my Memphis-Arkansas area. I'm sticking around here for awhile, if only to attend classes and see what happens next.
Puppy is doing much much better. Her shoulder still hurts but she wants her long walks back. The mattress is back on the box springs. Notice: this is due in large part to her love of getting on the box springs and looking down on the mattress as if to say, "why are you down there? You should be up here with me."
no more group projects for the semester. Yea! Now it is time to start all these "big" papers (8 page max) and organize notes for the take-home-essay-finals.
today is my Saturday, so I cannot work on the above homework. I have lots of important errands to run and jobs around the house to do. Oh well.