I finished the faery for the Younger Twin and in a moment of guilt, threw a bear on the needles for the Elder Twin.
1st, the faery (with hair). This is too cute, in a handmade sort of way. This is an Alan Dart pattern featured in a Simply Knitting magazine this year. He rocks as a designer but he is so British. As in every little piece was to be knit flat, making dozens of little pieces to sew.
The finishing took an eternity and a half. Yes, the finishing would not have been half as bad if I just sat down and took care of it.
now, for the bright, 7 year old girl pink polar bear. The color doesn't show up very well in photos, just take my word for it. It is the shade of pink all girls love when they are six-ten years old. Seven year-olds just take it a step forward. Hey, I did not pick out the color. Not surprised that she picked it, but now I'm knitting a pink polar bear. The pattern comes from The World of Knitted Toys, a book that is wonderful. Where else can you find a wallaby, seal, and a moose pattern in the same book for less than $20? I don't imagine many places.
p.s.-I cannot tell which end of the bear I am knitting on right now. It might be the shoulders....but I wouldn't argue if you said hips.