the Med Library I work at is now open nights and weekends. Tons of practical, hands-on experience and homework time. No knitting, since I am at the front desk and it might look like there is nothing to do.
homework is still the same 3 projects due by the end of the month. 1 of which is almost done, and another of which will be done tomorrow when I am at a computer that can read the work I've done. No clue what the last one is.
lookie! Pictures of the glove I am working on. I would have finished it by now, if it was the only project I had OTN. Ha! Like that is ever going to happen again. BTW, this thumb rocks. Best thumb I've ever knitted.
I have thrown a quick little vest/waistcoat for my in-class knitting. Ignore the yellow there, it will not be part of the project.
well, Puppy is hiding in a closet (some jackal downstairs is shooting off firecrackers) and I better go get her out. Till next time!