meanwhile, the Elder Twin bought a kitten. A friend of the family recently had a population increase of them, and Elder Twin had seen them. Mom said "No more animals." So naturally the kid called Her Dad and negotiated. She talked him into agreeing about having the kitten if she bought the cat. Then the little miss went to the family friend and offered 2 quarters for a kitten. 50 cents now buys a kitten. And to think, Puppy picked up Cable for free (before the vet bills). Turns out, Elder Twin is picking up after the kitten and everything. Didn't see that one coming, given how hard it is to make her pick up anything.
Puppy got a hair cut this week. Now all the neighbors think she is a cocker spaniel whereas before, they thought she was a lab. I think she looks more lab now and cocker spaniel when she is more fluffy.
the before picture
she was a little camera shy after her hair cut
but I finally got a shot in
speaking of Puppy, she is trying to tell me it is time for a walk. The whole looking longingly at the door is suppose to be a clue.