This has not been a very pleasant Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday. Sunday was good. In fact Sunday made its Saturday and Monday worth bearing.
Saturday Mom’s car would not start, which meant everyone played ‘musical vehicles’ and somehow I managed to play sister/daughter all day. Yesterday, Mom had a party planned and despite being sick, threw a nice lunch for about 20 people. So yesterday was spent in party mode then daughter. In fact she has yet to truly get better and I spent the day driving her to the doctor, x-ray guy, and store for juice. They think she has pneumonia. Translation: the Twins are sleeping here tonight and my week is booked running her errands so she can get better.
Speaking of the Twins, the Elder informed us at dinner that she wanted to get on an airplane to see her cousins. In
The Twins and their BBF are the only three children at Horse Camp this week. The large group which was the main reason it was planned for this week pulled out at the last minute. Everyone is thrilled that they have a week at Horse Camp to themselves. Younger Twin even randomly shouted “Yee-Ha!”
The Maternal Grandfather tracked me down between medicine runs to hand over three packages that came in for me. I told him what was in each as I took them from him. The Sitter laughed but I was right. My new seal came in from I like it mostly because I have not seen very many of them before. The book 1066 and All That (75th edition) came in as did the yarn I ordered last week. The book is a nice piece of braincandy. I doubt anyone can tell from here, but I had lots of help winding the hanks into balls. However, I must insist that no more new books or yarn until July. I really have to knit some of this yarn up and get through my summer reading.