My Puppy is doing much better; she has been helping me with homework all afternoon. But then, the Cat did as well—if you call sleeping helping. I suppose I should be thankful he does not like sleeping on my papers and books.
All that is left of my homework is a paper and an article. I would like to read the rest of The Spanish Tragedy but the portion I had to read for Tuesday is done. And it took about 5 hours of readings before my head pleaded to stop. So I suppose I am getting use to
I had dinner with Mom, StepDad, Twins, and the Boy Twins’ family. Our church had two sets of twins born less than 5 months apart created in the same test tube facility. Creepy, yes; but no signs of triple 6s on their skulls. And I got to dance with their little brother who is almost 2. He liked to spin around quickly. The only down side was he refused to quit tasting his fingers. One of the Boy Twins was very worried that the Elder Twin (one of my half-sisters) did not want to marry him, “…and she’s 5.” I told him he had 13 years to talk her into the idea but he is still concerned about it. Then he danced with the Younger Twin, so he got over his fear quick enough. My StepDad did not like any of it.
The scarf I have been knitting at church is almost complete; I should be casting off in the next few days. My Blue Cobweb is almost 2/3 of the way complete. Hallelujah. I cannot wait to wear it.
And every advertisement I saw today promised Celtic Women’s new CD on Tuesday. Too bad I am in class when the stores open, but a copy should still be there at lunch.