What did I do yesterday? Had another wonderful day of academia. So what if one prof post over 60 pages of articles and poetry 20 minutes before class to be read (and write 1 abstract and 1 response paper) for Thursday? I mean, that is 48 hours. Then there was an article for another class to read and respond to. Who needs sleep? I do, so I buckled down yesterday and laid under a pressing stone today. All that is left is half a page and printing.
The people at the yarn store I patron tried to talk me into buying $80 worth of yarn for a sweater. Not. Going. To. Happen. Nice try. I think it was mostly the owner being in the store and noticing I was the only one there not working on that sweater that prompted it to being with. Hey, I follow the rule: use the yarn you buy there and you can knit as long as you want. If they don’t like it they can change the rule. And I will change yarn stores. It is that simple.
In addition to reading an insane about of material, I also dragged Mom to the doctor. That was odd, but she needed to go so I took her. And no, I did not watch while she got 2 shots. But I held her hand until the nurse came in.
And tomorrow is yet another long day on campus. Really long, as my carpool has one more week of late class. No big, I need to read for next week.