My Shuffle is nothing but the newest Celtic Women album. And I am in no way complaining about it.
What I am complaining about is the stupid site where I am suppose to be getting my out of book readings. The blasted thing keeps freezing up on me. It is much too frustrating.
I am desperately praying for the roads to be clear in the morning. It is a buddy’s birthday and I have been at ends to finish the scarf. It is finally finished. Though my Dad’s present is about 85% done and my StepMom’s is 50% done (I ran out of yarn and have not been able to get to the store to get another hank of it.). Maternal Grandmother’s has not even been started and another buddy of mine has a birthday sometime next week. Why do I get myself started on this stuff? Because I like to do it. I truly like doing it.
Good news, homework is done. Mom got home in time for me to get in bed at a decent hour—a vender was in town and bought her and StepDad’s dinner tonight. The Twins were good until the last half hour when tired caught up with them.
And I have resigned myself to believing I have lost the Christmas gift my StepBrother bought me. I thought I packed it in a box to be shipped, but it is not in there nor in any of the bags I brought back. It must have gotten thrown out with the paper. I hate that, as it was a cool little speaker set for my Shuffle. Nothing is good on the radio, except traffic and weather reports, and I am stuck listening to the same 10 songs. If I had the little speaker set, I could be listing to good music on the way to school and not some idiot rambling about what was on TV last night. I am going to have to go shopping for another one. My luck, no store in driving distance will have ever heard of it.