Ha! I actually typed 2 whole pages yesterday on my paper. Then I went to Zoo Lights where Mom paid $3 to have the Twin’s picture taken with Santa. StepDa and I also made the cut, each holding one of the girls. It was worth the entire trip to see him sit on a stool on the other side of Santa and have a picture taken. I’m hoping that makes the Christmas card…some people would greatly appreciate it.
And today, the StepPaternal Grandmother and I went to see the new Bond flick. We enjoyed it a lot. Our next movie will be the one about the Mayans as that was her specialty (for Grad school I think). But our Christmas film is the one about the museum coming to life after hours. We bond well over films and it takes care of any gift no matter the occasion.
Speaking of that particular grandmother, her new place is coming along well. Several people have already planed to rent out the bottom for weddings. It is very beautiful. And since it is the only place this side of the river that will allow dancing and alcohol, she will have no problems renting it out once word gets out about it.
Tomorrow there will be only nine more days before volume 11 is out. That also means I only have nine days to write 2 seminar papers. This should be fun.