Guess who got up before dawn and got all the classes she wanted? Yep, that would be me. I feel like the world’s biggest dork for being this happy. As of 0700, I have been enrolled in Elizabethan/Jacobean Drama, Medieval Lit, History of Critical Theory, and Research Methods in Writing. Though I might drop the last one to take Rhetoric Theory. Can I handle two theory courses in one semester? I did as an undergrad, but I’m really questioning myself about it now.
The Purple Spider’s Web is almost complete. Only about 9 inches of lace knitting left. I’m seeing its recipient this weekend back at my last university. She has no clue it is for her, which I like.
Well, I’m off to write another journal entry for Women N Lit before heading off to Wal-Mart to replace a taillight that went out. Fun.