While one of Rina’s friends entertained the twins and the moms and Rina were talking wedding, I cleaned my sister’s room (a catch all room since she joined the Navy). I did some major overhauling and now we can see the floor and get from one end to the other. After everyone left, I helped mom clean the rest of the house for Rebecca’s wedding shower tomorrow. I have already promised to wear a skirt to this thing, shock of all shock, so I do have to show up. I am so ready for all these wedding stuffs to be done and over with.
Despite the fact my textbooks were due in from BarnesandNoble.com yesterday, they did not show up. Right now it is bouncing around from one place to another. I plan to start reading the novels tomorrow, but I would like to look at the theory book sometime soon. I did, however, get started on my grandpa’s vest for Christmas so the day was not a complete loss.

As much as I would love to chat, I was sistered by the twins who had no nap today. Preschoolers need naps daliy, if only for their older sister's sanity.