So after the drugged feelings on Friday, the migraine hangover on Saturday, and nearly overheating yesterday; I am doing great. Despite the sinus migraine and almost overdoing it today, I truly feel better. This weekend was low, hence the lack of posts as my friend pointed out.
I am happy to say almost all of the books I order are in. Perhaps I will make my way over to the University tomorrow and purchase the remaining books. It must be done soon as classes are only a few weeks away.
Nanny’s back-to-school party for the teachers went well. Over half the teachers popped in and out and food was plenty; though I am glad this only happens once a year. There was a brief laps in the heat and we had a few fans that kept the air moving. The paper didn’t cover it, so I’ll see if they need my pictures sometime tomorrow.
Lastly, my beta fish of two years finally died. It was sad moment and I do not believe I will buy another for awhile.