my first semester of grad school. Oh wait. That's not right. My fifth semester as a grad student. Good stars, I've been in how long?
lets just say another semester is over. I thought about writing over the past two-ish weeks, honestly, I did. Then I would realize how much I still had to do and felt the urge to get more of it done. Unlike the English Department, there is not building up to a semester project in the School of Information Sciences (SIS). Which means all the final stuff is comprehensive essays rather than a presentation on a paper that a student has "worked on" all semester and a final draft of that paper (think 15-20 pages) due the day of exams. In some ways, the SIS is easier. Just sometimes it feels like a bunch of busy work. At least all the pre-recs are over, now to get into the interesting part of it.
shock of all shocks, I have not been into a proper yarn shop since Thanksgiving. Translation: I've been shopping in my own stash. I have no clue how many scarves I have made in the last fortnight, just to get rid of some of the yarn.
good news, all Christmas has been bought. Not all of the knitting is done, but the shopping part is. I even sent off a box of gifts to my family living on the east coast. I am a very happy person that it is done. Normally, I have it all done by Thanksgiving.
I went out with a friend last night, nothing special. Just dinner and drinks. Yes, it was a guy. No, it was not a date. But it was fun. There is a chocolate part tomorrow, not sure if I want to go. I'm worn out and have bad luck baking deserts. Who knows.