since I last blogged and not much has happened until today. Like, I bought some material at Jo Ann's this afternoon and hung it up using Velcro. It's been getting really chilly, and rather than turn the heat on, I invested in some curtain/insulation. The material was 50% off, so I went ahead with something thicker than planed. I took the leftover Velcro and hung up some photos I had enlarged.
turns out this Jo Ann's place is pretty cool. Like Handcocks Fabric but with more space for other crafts. I liked the machine that was embroidering all by itself. Yarn wasn't anything better than a Michael's or Hobby Lobby, but they had alot of 1 lb. skeins. I take that back, the selection here is better than the last few Hobby Lobbies I've been to. I'll probably go back when I need more cotton for dishcloths.
speaking of knitting, I have violently cast someone off my 'knit for' list. A woman in 2 of my classes wanted me to make something for her newborne. No big, I have been wanting to try out Elizabeth Zimmerman's Baby Surprise Jacket anyway and have some Plymoth Encore I scored on sale. When she asked me to knit something, it was in a half-hour long conversation where she said she wanted to see my group's lab worksheet. What she really just wanted was to copy. And this isn't the first time she's done this to me. Turns out, she does most of a class's discussion board rehashing what others have said to make up the minium posts. All this didn't tick me off, it was when she wanted me to restate the prof (who was still talking) had just said. This person then spent the last half of class looking at non-school realated materials on the computer. And she wants me to help her with school work and knit her child something? I. Think. Not. When she brings the subject up again, I'll tell her no.
there is more, but Puppy is telling me it is time for a walk. So, I'm off!