however, I am very tired. My brain wants to curl up with Puppy and sleep 14 hours. (Not going to happen.)
lots of good stuff is coming into Stash in the coming weeks. But this week she is putting all sock yarn on 25% off. Treason, sheer and utter treason to my lovely (and comparatively small) collection of sock yarn. Some of this yarn even knows what pattern it wants me to use. Then again, some yarn that I don't have already knows what pattern it wants me to knit it up with.
and now, a slide-show and a big kiss good-night.
Cable's latest place to hide.
Laze Daze Alpaca 2 ply worsted yarn (120 yds). Believe it or not, they are located in Summerville (is there a town called that, 40 minutes or so from Midtown?). They now have 27 alpacas, as one of their mamas had a baby girl this morning. All natural colors, and sooooo soft. I wore mine as a flapper necklace around Stash (which has a few hanks for sale) and the house.
and lastly, my first attempt at knitting toys. Little Puck, as he/she/it has been named, is currently reclining in the scarf gift stock. I need to block his/her/its coat and make a broom to complete the look.