In addition to The Twin's cardis, I am on page 8 of my thesis. That means I have 7 more pages for Chapter 1 and 52 pages total left to write. Is that not wonderful? I have also been working and knitting. Lots of studying. And knitting. Long hours on the computer and no blogging. No clue why that is.
This past weekend was a knitting blast. I worked all Saturday at Stash where a rather large bookshelf of Rowan yarn and pattern books fell down. No one was hurt. Yarn is a little dusty but is now safe in boxes. Yesterday, I drove to Jonesboro for a Knit-n-Meet and meet some knitters from Ravelry. I would post a picture, but that would be verifying my existence. My buddy, Purl Fiddlestix showed up as a complete surprise and I have talked her into knitting Icarus. You must see it to understand. Here is one version of it.
This will all come back to get me, do not mistake me. But what will get me the most is that that person, whom will not be named, is not paired with me for Shakespeare presentations. I am with my second string designated smoker from Canada. My friends smoke, I knit, we talk, we put up with each others' addictions. Sadly, the new guy in class had no friend to sign his name. He has been paired with that person as the last group presentation of the semester. I feel slightly guilty for pairing up so early. But I honestly could not take it this semester. Karma will make me pay later.