The 4th is over with nothing overly exciting. Other than, of course, the burning question of wither or not Jane Austen’s hero of Persuasion, Anne, will marry her lost now found love who is currently in love with someone else. The ‘other woman’ as it were is Anne’s sister’s younger sister-in-law who two chapters ago received a very serious head wound after jumping/falling off a short cliff. The girl is expected home and is recovering while Anne herself is in
Speaking of jumping, I spent nearly two full hours on the I-40 Bridge last night while someone contemplated jumping off. I was fortunate enough to be on the bridge itself and after finishing the first sleeve of my Cable-Down Raglan, I was able to turn around and get on Front St to I-55. At first, I had thought to wait it out. However, when people closer to the front were turning back saying, “No progress,” I cast-off in more ways than one.
The SnB group was small last night. And by small I mean a party of two. On the bright side of life, the other knitter is in a charity organization that needs yarn. I purged an entire box this afternoon. Since it is for a good cause, the discarded yarn will not find its way back into my stash.