I went with the StepPaternal Grandmother Monday night to the Orpheum’s production of “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.” The acting was not bad at all and it was refreshing to witness the audience’s active participation. It would have been nice, however, if the Younger Twin (who sat in my lap the entire time) had not rammed her head into my chin every time she made a comment or asked a question. It was one long hour (no intermission). I was ready to die. Yesterday was not so great. I woke up and was very uneasy about Ren Drama’s paper topic. Turns out, it in no way fulfills the assignment. Great. Guess what I did today? Started all over.
But I did take the afternoon off yesterday. I just had to get out and go away. Here is one of the many pictures I took at the Botanical Garden. Her name is Iris.