Today is my sister’s birthday. Yea! Happy Birthday her. The Twins and I called last night to wish her the best, as tonight is baton class and we did not want to forget. Plus the Younger Twin really wanted to call. So we did.
While I’m thinking about baton class, the Maternal Grandmother is taking the Elder Twin to a baton workshop day this weekend. The class thus far has two fund-raisers, making it just as expensive as my knitting.
Temptation struck yesterday…and is still striking today. The Spring 2007 catalog from KnitPicks came in. Nothing in it but socks and baby knits. Yet, I found a nice pattern for penguin looking socks in one of my knitting books and I need gray yarn for it. How far away is Easter? I am determined to actually complete Lent this year and not buy any new yarn until then. Come April 8, I am ordering yarn and be a very happy camper.
I love my Medieval Lit class. It is wonderful—even if we do spend a rather large amount of time on the portrayal of bodies. However, it is becoming a rather expensive class and my bookshelf is running out of space. Having just spent even more money on books along that subject line, I consider myself an expert on this topic. The family has quit asking what I’m buying which is a very good thing. I no longer spend five minutes telling them about it before realizing their eyes have glazed over. Which I completely understand, after all the Poetic Edda is not a text many people around here read in their book clubs. I am just hoping it has the original and translated words side-by-side as the copy my prof has. And that it has some recollection of Balder’s death. No, it really has nothing to do with the paper I am writing, but I was on the Barnes and Noble website to spend the coupon on a copy of Orlando Furioso, an epic poem heavily referenced in my Renaissance Drama class and in some of the critical articles read in Medieval Lit. Did you know there is not a single bookstore in the area that keeps this book on the shelf? Believe me, I have been to all of them and have yet to see it there. Please God let this be an unabridged copy!