Yea! For the first time this year, my strep test came back negative. But now I have a sinus infection. Great. Will this ever end? At least she did not give me a shot, lots of pills but no needles.
Next week is spring break. I have a week of study planned. It is only: an eight page mid-term, two plays, research, abstract, and an uncounted number of pages to read. I am going to have so much fun. Seriously, I just hope the books I ordered come in. The knitting book is for pleasure but the other is a primary source for a major paper I need to start pulling together.
In other exciting news, the presentation went well yesterday. Always go first when playing Russian roulette and giving presentations: they amount to the same thing. A friend of mine also discovered that Medieval Lit has desensitized us to a lot of disgusting concepts. We were talking about Saint Catherine of