I spent the day at home writing papers/essays. I cannot wait to turn them all in tomorrow because then it is all out of my hands. Everything I could have done, I did. The grade is now in the hands of God and the professors’ pens. Sure, if I do horribly I feel bad but this philosophy gets me through a week of anticipation.
After browbeating myself over the yarn shortage of 256 yards needed to complete Dad’s gift; I’ve switched projects. Late in the game, yes but it is the only choice I have. It will not be shipped with the others late this week/early next week. Which means I have to remember to take it with me or pack it.
The Maternal Grandmother is editing the bigger paper due tomorrow, the little essay is already undergone the pen. I’ll get up around my normal time to wrap them up since tomorrow is a Study Day and the only class that is meeting is the Women N Lit (where we turn everything in and watch a movie).