I spent over 6 hours in the library yesterday. All I have to show for it is a dozen or so articles that I cannot use, 2 books that I can, and over 20 articles that I haven’t looked at yet. My brain is having problems remembering what the articles I read were called. But I did have good background music and found one of my classmates in the library so I wasn’t alone in all those shelves.
I also had to rip back 3 hours worth of knitting and read the wrong book for my night class. The only book I had to read this week and it was the wrong one. Luckily, I had read the text earlier therefore was still able to participate in class.
Somehow, I did not get to the German I wanted to study today. With the family birthdays this weekend, other things popped up; like picking up the cake.
On the plus side of life, we get to eat out tonight at a very nice steak place. And the best part is: only the adults are eating out tonight.