We (mom, twins, step-dad, me) went to the zoo yesterday and had a great time. The twins no longer like my favorite snow-cone flavor. At last, I do not have to share! Yes, the main reason I like it so much is because no one else does. ^_^
I finally found the most annoying fellow grad student on campus. It takes much self-control not to throw things at him when he speaks. He contributes to topics 5 minutes after everyone else has moved on, cannot be brief in his speech (I know, pot and kettle, but I think in Early Modern English but we don’t speck it in class), and has the personality equal to a toadstool. Oh, and he is in 2 of my 3 classes this semester. Great.
The class that did not have a book list for the longest time now has books that cannot be found in any of the bookstores (both the one on and off campus). She emailed the books were in. The people with name tags in the bookstores cannot find them in the computer or on the selves. I spent a good hour walking from one location to the other and back with no luck in locating the book we were suppose to read. Which was aggravating when she lectured us about coming to class prepared or we are just wasting time. Sorry, I can only move so many mountains before class.
Despite all of that, I am still loving grad school. I might need another CAT scan though; liking Lit Theory this much isn’t normal.